The Heart Wants What it Wants

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Later into the night, Jackie and Chase had left the dining hall.

And currently, they were on a random balcony, conversing with one another while also looking up at the stars.

Tearing his eyes away from them, Chase spared her a glance. He smiled as he takes in her awe-inspiring beauty, under the pale light of the moon, she looked like an ethereal goddess.

"Enjoying the view?"

"Yeah. To be honest, out of everything that has happened since I've joined the temple, I do like it that I get to see the stars every single night."

She scoffed as she adds, "Smog can be a real bitch at times."

"Too true." Chase agreed. "To be honest, I love the stars too. when I was a child my favorite thing to do during the warm seasons was to sleep close to the entrance with the door open."

"That way, I could be able to sleep under the stars. My father didn't like it, but of course, I could give a rat's ass what he thought of me and did it anyway."

"What is your favorite thing about them?" Jackie asked.

"I love the way they shine, they're like brilliant diamonds. They are the third most beautiful thing I have ever laid eyes on."

"Oh? What are the first and second." Jackie asked. "The first? That would be my mother, but for the second?" He looks at her warmly. "That would be you."

Her heart skipping a beat, Jackie's face turned deep red. "Stop playing around." She turns her head away from him.

Chase lightly cups her chin, making her look at him. "I'm not."

Moving his hand, he cups her cheek. "In the 1500 years that I've been alive, waiting to finally meet you, I have never considered it to be a game."

Jackie moves his hand off. "What do you mean that you've been waiting to finally meet me?"

Chase goes to speak but backtracks, he looks away from her, his face tinted red from embarrassment. "It's nothing."

"It's obviously something, you said something similar during the whole love arrows fiasco, so it obviously means something to me."

Chase stared at her blankly, but it soon morphed into realization. "Wait, you remembered what I said? Like everything that I said?"

Realizing what she said, Jackie stammered nervously. "Well, I..."

Lightly grasping her shoulders, Chase looked at her helplessly. "Jackie, please, do you remember what you did during the whole ordeal?"

"Yeah." Jackie admitted. "I mean, I was fully conscious, but my body was still acting on its own.

Staring at her at her like she had hung the moon, Chase beamed very brightly.

Jackie takes a step back when a few stray tears rolled down his face. "Whoa, Chase! Are you crying?!"

Chase wipes his eyes. "I'm fine. I'm just happy right now." Sighing, he composed himself. "But to answer your question, it means exactly what it sounds, I've waited centuries for you."

"Before Dashi hid them, I had secretly taken the Fountain of Hui and Eagle Scope and used them."

"I wanted to see what my future held. I was only able to see some things."

"I saw that I would one day reach my dream of becoming a powerful warrior, that I would somehow gain immortality, that I would be a literal king of a prosperous kingdom, and I saw many more."

"However, despite seeing all of this, in my opinion, they all pale in comparison to the beautiful vision it showed me. That vision, was you, Jacquelynn."

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