Green with Envy

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Finding herself in a dark void, Jackie looks around with suspicion as she walked forward.

But she soon stopped in her tracks when she noticed two people in front of her.

Which was Omi and Jermaine, who were looking at each other with friendly smiles.

"Omi? Jermaine?" She muttered and reached out to them before everything changes in a flash.

And now, the void was no longer dark and was instead illuminated by a fiery inferno surrounding them.

And when she looked back at Omi and Jermaine.

Who were now glaring at each other as they battled with swords.

But in a flash, Jermaine's sword changed into Chase's Kwan Do Staff.

And he was actually very proficient at it to the point that the way he fights is remarkably similar to the Warlord's fighting style.

Moreover, for some strange reason the two young boys were dressed as Greek gladiators.

But what worried her was the fact that it was very clear that they both were fighting like bitter enemies.

Even though Omi admittedly looked a bit reluctant, Jermaine on the other had nothing but hatred in his eyes.

Knocking Omi back with a kick to the stomach, Jermaine rushes forward before jumping into the air.

Where he then raised his weapon above his head and went straight towards Omi.

Who quickly held up his sword and managed to block the attack.

And for a second the sound of the bladed weapons colliding ringed in Jackie's ears before she woke up with a gasp for air.

Sitting up in her bed, Jackie looks around her room for a moment before she realized that it was just a dream.

Groaning, Jackie pinches the bridge of her nose and began to rub it.

"Ugh." She groaned as she got up and went through her daily routine.

Sometime later, the monks were now standing next to each other as Master Fung teaches them another lesson.

Walking over to them, Master Fung brings out a basketball and smiles as he twirls it.

"Hey, a pickup game. I'm in!" Dojo proclaimed.

"No, Dojo. This is no game." Master Fung said to the green dragon and gestured to the young monks.

"The young monks are about to learn an exercise that teaches humility."

"Oh, I am the very best at humility." Omi said proudly, his head seeming to grow bigger with every second.

"There is no one who can fill my socks." Raimundo then corrected him, "Shoes."

Still acting smug, Omi repeats him. "Shoes."

Master Fung began to do some tricks with the ball.

"The idea is to pass the ball around in perfect rhythm while working not to show up any fellow warrior."

He then passes the ball, which Omi caught and began to do some moves himself.

"Even Raimundo? That will be most difficult." Omi stated.

As the monks step away to give each other room, Raimundo glares at the youngest monk.

"Oh, I'll try not to slow you down." Raimundo said sarcastically.

But of course, Omi did not realize that the Dragon of Wind was being sarcastic.

"Try as you will, but you cannot help yourself." He stated as he began to do more tricks instead of passing the ball.

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