Omi's journey to the Past

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"So, Cue-ball what's the plan?" Angie asked.

"We don't have one." Omi answered truthfully.

"We rarely do." Kimiko stated.

Angelynn finds this amusing, "Really? You've got nothing? All this time I thought you were these amazing Xiaolin geniuses. But you're just as lame as I am." She laughs but then realized what she said.

"Wait, that didn't come out right." She said.

Jackie just groans "Sometimes I can't believe I'm related to you." she stated.

"Hey!" Angelynn whined.

"We might not have a plan. But Master Fung sure will." Clay stated.

With that Angie changes her course to the Xiaolin Temple.

But when they got there, they found all the monks trapped in stone like cages and multiple stone warriors surrounding them.

Master Fung notices the jet and knew his young apprentices were on it. "Flee, my Xiaolin Apprentices, flee!" he exclaimed.

Getting up three watch guards blew flaming hot rocks at the jet and hit it which resulted in Angelynn loosing control.

"Get us out of here Dojo." Kimiko said.

"Roger that." Turning big Dojo flew out of the jet with everyone on his back just in time too since the jet was finally destroyed by the Golems.

Angelynn groans as she tries to hold her stomach. "Stop the undulating. Please." She begged.

Clay smirked, "But, Angie the undulating is the best part. Hey ain't you ever rode a dragon before?" instead of speaking to him Angie grabs his hat and threw up in it.

"Hey, come on!" Clay said making his way over to the pastel goth.

"Angel can't stand unsteady movement it makes her sick." Jackie stated.

"I've got a bad feeling, Omi. If Wuya controls the temple, what's next." Kimiko questioned.

"Probably the whole world." Omi stated.

Jackie looks down "What makes this even worse is that Elanor might be able to help. But the only why I can reach is through the Xiaolin temple."

"Oh yeah, how is Elanor doing?" Dojo asked.


"Who is Elanor?" Omi questioned.

"Elanor is my ancestor and the Celestial Dragon before me. As it turns out my family are not completely human per say." Jackie answered.

"Meaning?" Clay questioned.

"The first Dragons were actual dragons and since my powers are tied to my bloodline it basically means that I have dragon blood in my veins." She explained.

"If you're family has dragon DNA why do you not have scales or something dragon like?" Clay asked as he tried to grab his hat back but Angelynn had a strong grip.

"The reason why I don't look like a dragon is because I'm still technically human, mortality and all. But the stronger I get the more dragon like I will become."

"WHAT?! Are you kidding me! you're going to turn into a dragon! That's so unfair!" Angie exclaimed but she went back to throwing up a second later.

"But in a would explain Jacquelynn's keen sense of smell." Omi stated.

"True." Kimiko agreed.

Meanwhile with Wuya...
"I am the absolute ruler of the world and all before lunch." She proclaimed proudly.

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