File 40: Gruesome

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Click click.


Inferno unzipped his pants and released his bodily fluids down the urinal.

"This... is the best feeling in the world," sighed Inferno, relieved that he can finally let it out of his system, going over to wash his hands, "Persona was right about not having to worry anymore.. those Proiettilo assassins were—"

Inferno quickly turned around, eyes crazily staring, a bullet resting on his thumb as he pointed it to the stall directly behind him. He then flicked the bullet from his thumb, shooting it towards the stall. As the bullet hit the stall door, it began to implode, creating a burst of fire that put the stall up in raging flames. The person inside screeched in agony as the flames filled the room.

"Exodic Inferno!" yelled Inferno, "A smaller version of Dante's Inferno, but much more precise on where I could launch my attacks. Gotta thank Persona for the idea, and Exodus for lending me some bullets.

It's a shame, though. I really liked this mansion."


"You're insane!" yelled the person inside the bathroom, his flaming hands trying desperately to get out of the stall, "Why would you randomly light a stall on fire? I'm just a security guard for goddess' sake!"

"You're lying," stated Inferno as the person opened the stall, slowly walking towards him, "Security guards here have to reveal their identity once any person enters the bathroom. I made this statement myself and made sure everyone heard it."

The man walked slowly, still engulfed in flames, taking a step forward as Inferno held up another bullet resting on his thumb.

Thwack! Boom!

Another step.

Thwack! Boom!

And another.

Thwack! Boom!

"Besides," mumbled Inferno as he backed away slowly, "Security guards don't just take three explosions to the chest. You're supposed to die from this."

"What a coincidence," smiled the man on fire, "I bet you'll die from this as well!"

Suddenly, Inferno felt a strange disturbance in his stomach. It was like the insides of his body parts were rearranging. However, Inferno didn't have time to think about that and pulled out another bullet from his pocket.

"The hell did you do to me?" yelled Inferno as he shot the bullet with his thumb, shooting right into the eyeball of the person, their head exploding from the Inferno Magia.

Click. Click.

"I truly thank Lord Jukkon for giving me small amounts of his blood to consume," smiled the man as his head began to slowly regenerate, "Although my regeneration is slower compared to his, it truly works wonders in preventing me from death. I would've died inside that stall had it not for him."

Inferno noticed something poking out of his stomach. He opened up his jacket to find that there was a white bony figure slowly emerging from his belly, opening up and ripping the skin. Inferno held his hand to his mouth, trying his best not to vomit from the distortion that was being put in his body.

"Say, do you believe in God?" smiled the man, "If you answer, I plan on telling you my name."

"If he's real, he's sending you to Hell," Inferno glared, blood leaking out of his mouth.

"Truly a shame," glared the man, "Makes sense. We were all crafted as engines of malice. We only live to suffer in life. However, my God, Lord Jukkon, has specifically chosen me to assist him in his plans, so that I may be spared from the suffering that other beings such as you will have to face.

You may call me Mateo."

Inferno was too weak to stand up and fell to his knees.

"Now, before you suffer even more," said Mateo as he finally reached Inferno, "I'm looking for something called a Magia Orb. Do you perhaps know where it is?"

Inferno, with all his might, punched Mateo away from him, "Like hell I'd tell you."

Click click click.

"Then perish," glared Mateo.


Inferno yelled in agony as his stomach burst open, exposing his insides. His ribs began to move on their own, swinging in the air like crab pincers. He fell to the floor, blood bursting out and leaking on the ground. He stared directly into Mateo's eyes as Mateo smirked in triumph and victory. The flames that were on Mateo had already disappeared as the bathroom began to heat up from the fire surrounding it.

"Y-y-you won't g-get away..." mumbled Inferno, trying his best to stay conscious.

"Except I already have."

Click. Click.


Mateo stared down on the floor of the seizing Inferno. His eyes were alternating different colors as he silently cried blood. His exposed stomach was burst open, ribs moving slowly. As the flames grew in size, Mateo began to think to himself.

"Lord Jukkon wasn't wrong when he said I had to be careful," he thought, "Despite the abilities I have, there are others that are more destructive. I should leave quick before these flames start to end my precious regeneration that was given to me."

As Mateo walked to the bathroom door, he looked back on Inferno, who laid vulnerable on the ground.

"I should've asked Lord Jukkon what exactly the Magia Orb looked like," he thought, "Despite being on the brink of death, the people in this dimension have strong resolve. If I can't get the answer out of anyone, I'll make sure to take them down by brute force. This is fun.

Way better than being cooped up in a laboratory."

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