Chapter 13: Ramuri

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Jukkon's head vanished out of thin air as his body teleported right in front of Persona. He grabbed his face and plunged him into the ground as he teleported once again.

He appeared from above, using his leg to kick Chika's head down. Ikarus rushed over to Chika to help out, but Jukkon flipped over and used another kick to hit Ikarus.


The automatic shield began to slowly crumble as it took the strength of Jukkon's kick.

"Don't want to activate that gravitation effect," smiled Jukkon as his head grew from his neck.

He landed on his arm as his leg remained on the surface of the shield. Upon a single touch, the ground became softened, slowly making Ikarus sink into the ground! After all, Jukkon had Fate on his side. He didn't even need to think to automatically win.

Val was running alongside Will, shielding them both with the Emerald Shield, hoping to close the distance with Jukkon.

"Ever since he's started the fight I've never heard him utter the words to command Fate.." thought Val as she ran, "He's just doing it subconsciously! Fate is aiding him in a passive state!"

Jukkon noticed them running and pointed his finger at them. A glowing orb came from it and blasted forth, crashing just at their feet and causing them to get launched back from the impact of the blast. Val and Will were injured, and it didn't seem like the flowers could prevent their deaths with Fate overlooking them. Persona and Chika were taken out unconscious as well just from the hits that Jukkon had made, with Ikarus slowly sinking into the ground.


Jukkon's intestines were ripped out of his body as Juzira went in and began stabbing him with the knives gripped on both of his hands. Juzira went ahead and tried to stab Jukkon once again, but Jukkon had teleported behind him, grabbing Juzira's arm and slamming him down with a kick, ripping off his limb.


"As if you're going to get rid of me that easily," laughed Juzira, his body seemingly perfectly fine, throwing the knife from his hand into the air.

Jukkon and Juzira continued their close combat fight once more, Jukkon dodging the aggressive knife stabs that Juzira was making. Finally, Juzira made a gamble and threw the knife at Jukkon.

A miss.

Jukkon dodged the knife throw and teleported an inch closer to Juzira, shoving his fist right into his stomach.


Juzira was out of sight. That's when Jukkon looked up. Juzira was in the air, grabbing the knife that he threw up earlier and slamming it down right into Jukkon's eye. Juzira's gift was truly impressive as it evaded the eyes of Fate well enough to get some attacks in.

"Chronostasis!" yelled Jukkon.

However, it wasn't enough to truly win. Time was slowed down, and Juzira couldn't shift timelines: a crucial weakness.

"You're really a nuisance," chuckled Jukkon, removing the knife from his eye, and regenerating his wounds, "I regret letting you into this plan of mine."


"Not again!" yelled Val, punching Jukkon again and again, her attacks amplified due to Law's power, "I'm not letting you escape again!"

"This damned brat!" yelled Jukkon, throwing his hand into Val's skull, "Always in my way!"


His hand was obliterated just by getting into the range of her skin. This was an amplified Emerald Shield. Instead of an orb surrounding her body, the Emeralds would wrap around her like a suit. If anything were to touch her, they'd get shredded by the insanely fast movement of the Emeralds.

And just as the Emeralds work defensively...


The Emeralds work offensively too! The fast-moving Emeralds wrapped around Val's fist had shredded Jukkon's face upon contact! Jukkon was launched to the ground, his regeneration forced to keep up with the pure violence of the Emerald Shield.

Chronostasis was stopped, Juzira confused on what happened and Val finally getting her revenge.

"So that was Chronostasis..." thought Juzira to himself, "Time sure is scary.."

"We can stop fighting..." mumbled Val, panting from the fighting that she just did, "We've done our part."

Jukkon stood up, his regeneration fixing up the last of his wounds. It's as if the attacks that the group did were nothing at all. They were just wasting energy.

"All of that?" laughed Jukkon, "All of that for nothing? You all never fail to disappoint! Truly this new batch of fighters have shown nothing but pure weakness!"


Jukkon was kicked away, but stood up instantly to regain his footing. He was staring down at Will Ramuri, who had just pierced him with the Berserker Blade. However, unlike before, the Berserker Blade no longer decreased the regeneration of Jukkon due to Fate.

"To think that with everything that has happened," smiled Jukkon, "It all ends here."

"I'll strike you down," said Will Ramuri.

The two rushed at each other, Jukkon teleporting behind Will as an ambush. Will saw this coming and used the hilt of his sword to butt Jukkon's chest away before unsheathing his other blade to slice him in half. Jukkon transformed into a blobby mess, chasing down Will on the ground, who had used his power to jump in the air. Jukkon transformed into a dragon, aiming fire at Will, who blocked the heat from behind four of his blades.

As Will fell, Jukkon transformed back to his original form, tried to lunge after him, and stab in the heart. However, Will parried the attack with his sword, pushing Jukkon away as he landed safely on the ground. As Jukkon landed on the ground, he stumbled.

A small opportunity!

Will rushed over with great speed and stabbed Jukkon right through the chest, Jukkon's bloody heart dripping from the tip of his blade. Will then released his sword from Jukkon, gripping it tightly. Through his own chest was Jukkon's fist, who could barely punch a hole. It was a stalemate that won in Jukkon's favor, whose wound's began to regenerate as if nothing happened at all.

Jukkon smiled at the final defeat of Will Ramuri.

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