Chapter 8: True Platinum

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"Will, you eat anything before embarking on this journey?" asked the Devil, instantly plowing his sword through the Jukkon clone's skull.

"No, why do you ask?" replied Will as he casually sliced off the bottom torso of the same Jukkon clone.

"We should hit up a sandwich joint sometime," continued Law, "The world's food has evolved since you died. Truly a delicacy."

"Is that your main focus? At the heat at when we're trying to kill Jukkon?"

"I'm getting pretty tired, especially from when that Mateo person possessed me."

Will and Law were synchronous in their attacks. Even though multiple centuries had passed since they've last met, they still retained the same postures and techniques that they used to fight their opponents. They were a dynamic duo with years of experience at their fingertips.

"Devil, I trust that you can handle this last Jukkon?" asked Will as he sought out Val.

"Yeah, do what you need to do," replied Law, blocking the punch of the Jukkon clone.

On one side of the colosseum, Chika was fighting another Jukkon clone. Collection Gear 2 stood atop her hands and leaped at Jukkon, electrifying him.

"You clones are pretty weak compared to the real Jukkon," noted Chika, "Pretty much a normal human being with fast regeneration. Your strength and speed are fast for sure, but it's greatly weakened with the lack of abilities."

"I only have to keep you busy," thought the Jukkon clone, smiling deviously.

"You'll pay for tricking me with the chance of reviving him," glared Chika, sending out Collection Berserker Gear, slicing up the clone's limbs.

"You're pretty weak compared to your allies," said the Jukkon clone, taunting at Ikarus, "Are bows and arrows and barbaric swords all you've got?"

"Don't underestimate the powerful weapons that have been given to me by the Goddess Majestika!" yelled Ikarus, charging in with his Blades of Fury.

Jukkon's clone dodged the attack and knee'd Ikarus to the ground. He tried to follow up by kicking Ikarus down but Ikarus shot an arrow at his shoulder before he could do it. He quickly got up and tried to think up of a strategy.

"My shield's already been broken, so I have to act carefully," thought Ikarus, "Despite being a clone, he still has the same strength of the original."

"Agh!" yelled Val, getting launched to the ground, "He's way too strong! And this is just a clone? I've never fought anything to this extent.. My Emerald Shield doesn't even last as long enough to defend against him.."

Will dashed in and sliced the Jukkon clone's leg, causing him to fall down and limit his movements.

"Will!" yelled Val.

"Don't focus on fighting too much, Valeria," said Will as he clashed with the wounded Jukkon clone, "It seems like support is your specialty. Focus on those who are in trouble."

Val looked around the battlefield and found Persona on the ground, seeming to be struggling against the true Jukkon.

"That's it!" thought Val, pulling out a flower, "I have to help him—!"

That's when she saw Persona shoot himself with the Centurion, the yo-yo ball rotating against his chest.

"Persona!" yelled Val in shock, "He wouldn't just kill himself, would he!?"

Persona fell to the ground, his eyes having lost their pupils. Jukkon looked at the body of Persona pitifully.

"Did you give up that soon that you decided to off yourself before I could?" stated Jukkon as he got closer to Persona, "To think that they'd give up so easily. Offering your souls to me would be the best choice you could make to acquiring Fate after all."


"What the?" grunted Jukkon, before backing away, looking at the hole carved into his chest, "That kind of strength!? From you?"

However, when Jukkon looked away from his chest to face Persona, he was no longer there. Val couldn't believe her eyes. Persona seemed like he disappeared. Val was watching the entire time!

"Where did he..?" asked Jukkon, confused on what was happening.

In a split second, Jukkon felt enormous amounts of pain coming from all over his body. He spat out blood as he limped on the floor.

"Chronostasis!" yelled Jukkon, "Slow down time! I have to find out where these attacks are coming from?"

Val and Chika were watching too, as they too could move in Chronostasis.

It happened yet again.

They all couldn't see what was hitting Jukkon.

"What's happening!?" yelled Jukkon as he spat out blood, spazzing on the floor from the shock of his pain as Chronostasis ended.

That's when Persona appeared before him, "The power of infinity.. the True Platinum Rotation. Not only does it take away the power of Infinity, but it can give one the ability to harness it temporarily. This was a gamble I'm willing to take."

Suddenly, Jukkon's fist was into Persona's face, knocking him down to the ground. As Persona fell, his wrists were entrapped by the ground that Jukkon had manipulated using reality.

"I'll take you down the same way I've showed dominance to Adonis..." glared Jukkon, angered that he was overpowered by Persona temporarily.

Persona used infinite strength to bust himself out of the ground trap, but Jukkon had already planned that.

"Chronostasis!" yelled Jukkon, "The weakness to Adonis' Infinity Magia! That she could only make one attribute to infinity at a time!"

Persona realized that he had focused on infinite strength, rather than infinite speed! He was helpless and couldn't move in Chronostasis! Chika and Val rushed in to help Persona, but Jukkon stopped in his tracks temporarily.

There was a bag that Persona had dropped on the ground.

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