Episode 38: Reunion

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"So.. we don't know where he went," said Law as he went around, healing up everybody's wounds, "It'll take a while before I manually find him. I'm going to have to contact the Goddess Majestik—"

"Law? Are you there?" asked Majestika telepathically.

"Right here. I was planning on contacting you. Something bad had happened. I'm sure you're aware who Jukkon is."

"That's exactly what I was going to talk to you about. Ikarus and a familiar face should be arriving there soon. Please tell them your situation when they do."

"Understood, my Goddess," said Law as he looked at the other gods, "You all should take a break from now. Despite your abilities, you all are just putting yourselves at risk of death. If Valeria hadn't used her flowers on Kaleb, he would've likely died by now."

"So you're telling us to just step back?" asked Brian in frustration, angered from being beat, "I really won't accept for that!"

"Stay down," glared Law as he walked towards the school to fix things and prevent a Law Shift from occurring, "You all are better off not feeding any more power to that man."

Law was right. The gods looked over at Jak, who was still on the floor, with a husk-like expression. His abilities were drained from him, and he felt as weak as a normal human. Even Kaleb who still had his powers was suffering from the wound Jukkon tore through his stomach. Although it was patched up by Law, he had the constant need to vomit.

"I feel so powerless," mumbled Jazz, "Like I can't do anything!"

"Hopefully Adrian and the others weren't affected by Jukkon's attack," said Neos, still feeling the stone effect that was placed on him.

Law traversed the rubble of some of the classrooms, as well as the dead bodies on the floor. He was disgusted by Jukkon's actions and meddling with other realities. With the snap of a finger, the debris and the dead bodies were put back into place as if Jukkon had never met them. However, they did not move a single muscle, as if they were statues. The only way to truly fix their state would be to defeat a Jukkon or give a Jak his reality abilities back, in order to restore the imbalance.

"That was amazing, Law!" yelled a familiar voice.

Law turned around, "Ikarus. I've been expecting you. How'd you arrive here?"

"The MRSC," smiled Ikarus, holding the orb for Law to see, "I've also had a person follow me as well!"

When the person walked into the classroom, Law's eyes widened.

"The Devil," announced Will Ramuri, "It's been a long time since we've met, hasn't it?"

"I didn't expect for you to return as well, Will.." mumbled Law in shock, "I pity you. You're always getting caught up in that monster's consequences. Do you still have the Berserker Blade that Chris had given you?"

Will displayed the blade in his hands, signifying that it was the real deal. Of Law's temporary Berserker Blade could reduce the regeneration of Jukkon, the real one would be even more powerful.

"Have you both fought Jukkon yet?" asked Law, "He came by earlier and demolished my subordinates."

"Not yet," said Ikarus, "But we're planning to!"

"Not 'we'," glared Will at Ikarus, "I'm planning to. I haven't yet."

"Come on," said Law as he beckoned them to follow, "I need you to meet them."

They walked outside to find Brian and Neos arguing about who let Jukkon escape.

"If you told him to off himself, maybe he could've died permanently!" yelled Neos.

"Oh, I'm sorry!" mocked Brian, "It's not like I blew him up entirely but he somehow came back!"

"Shut up!" glared Law, "Can't have any peace and quiet. Meet these two people: Ikarus Antoine, the person who defeated the previous Azarthoth, a Reality Eater, and Will Ramuri, the rival of Jukkon."

"Nice to meet you all!" chuckled Ikarus nervously, waving his hand.

"He looks like he's in middle school," mumbled Kaleb, not amused.

"Hello Ikarus!" said Jazz and Val in unison.

"To be fair," said Styx, inspecting Ikarus, "He's older than Val."

"Woah!" yelled Ikarus in surprise, hiding behind Will, "That's Sty Xero! She's a part of the Black Circus!"

Styx and the others were confused on what Ikarus was saying. Law was confused at first but then realized what was happening.

"Ikarus," said Law, "You're in a different dimension at the moment. There are many faces and names you may recognize. These are known as dimensional counterparts. Although they look the same, they've been through different things."

"I see.." mumbled Ikarus, revealing himself once again, "Have you all fought Jukkon?"

"Worst experience of our lives," glared Brian as he looked over at Jak, who was still unconscious, "He stole the ability of our friend there, who could manipulate reality."

"What?" asked Will, glaring, "How could you let him do that? He's already stolen space, and wields the ability to manipulate time. Now reality? This just makes it more difficult."

"It wasn't their fault!" said Val, "I could've done something to stop it, but I couldn't. He even left."

"I'm sure there's a way we could possibly find him back!" said Ikarus optimistically, "Mr. Ramuri.. that face is kinda scaring m—"

Brang brang!

"Another anomaly?" asked Will, inspecting his tracker, "Ikarus, we don't have time to continue this conversation. Take us to the anomaly."

"Wait!" yelled Val, standing up to them, "Take me with you! I want to try to fight him back! It's the least I could do for letting him go! I can't just stay and watch while he goes and wrecks havoc. It's out of Order, which I protect!"

"Yeah, take us too!" said Neos, "We could help with our abilities!"

"Shut up!" yelled Will, glaring, "If you all couldn't beat him the first time, what good do yo think you could do the second? You all are going to end up dying!"

"Will," said Law as he placed his hand on Will's shoulder, "I know you're not too fond of having teammates who die alongside you, but do reconsider Valeria Kuro. She's even bested me. If anything, she'd be able to help you in your journey."

After contemplating about the decision, Will gave in, "I'm only fine with taking one: Valeria Kuro. Don't even think about dying."

"Don't worry!" smiled Val, holding a flower, "One of my abilities even prevent death!"

"That's amazing!" Ikarus exclaimed, "I'm sure we'd get along just fine!"

"Thanks for your support Ikarus!"

Will sighed in and smacked Ikarus' head, "Hurry up and take us there already!"

"Yes sir, Mr. Ramuri!" Ikarus cried.


"Do you think Val could take Jukkon on without our help?" asked Styx in worry.

"I wouldn't worry about it," said Law, easing up their thoughts, "She's with two of the most powerful people I've seen so far. Even though Ikarus looks clumsy, he's got abilities that may even rival Will if he was serious."

"Good luck Val," said Neos, "Take back Jak's abilities as well. We'll be waiting for you."

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