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Persona had already swooped in with infinite speed, knocking Jujo down to the ground before slamming his fist with infinite strength, spilling blood everywhere.


It's as if the attack never happened. Jujo had shifted timelines, transporting to the one that he manipulated: a timeline where he had dodged the attack. In essence, Persona's attacks had become nothing.

"Your attacks were so fast that I couldn't counterattack," smiled Jujo, "But don't worry, I like to take my time."

"Val, Ikarus," said Chika as she went ahead, "Stay there. I know you're both powered up and all, but we can't afford to underestimate what this guy can do."

"Now," said Jujo as he descended from the sky, snapping his finger, "Let's see what this does..

Timeline Shifting Chronostasis!"

Jujo's eyes widened. The only thing that could move was Collection Zeroth Gear. However, Collection's bodies had multiple in motion, showcasing their attacks. This Chronostasis not only stopped the tracks of anyone caught in it, but showcased all different perspectives and moves that those who bypassed it would do.

This was truly a timeline shift where he could see everything that Collection would've done to his responses, changing constantly with each muscle that Jujo moved. He could see it all with his Eyes of Nothing. Jujo easily passed through the dual wielded attacks of Zeroth Gear and headed straight for the host body: Sachiko Sakuramuri.

"The only downside of this new form is it's lack of attacks," smiled Jujo as he raised his hand, revealing the claws that emerged from his nails, swinging it down to slice Chika, "However, the God of Nothing transcends the laws of the Horyo! The Claws of the Guardian will aid me better than some simple knives can!"

Chika grabbed the other arm of Jujo, pulling him in and slamming her fist into his chest.

Jujo, shocked, exclaimed, "The Eyes of Nothing only show a singular entities movements? Not all?"

He soon found out that Collection was after him, ready to slice him when Chika had launched the hit. Jujo ended the Chronostasis prematurely, getting sliced in pieces by the dual swords of Collection Zeroth Gear!

"The dual swords that I've obtained from Will doesn't only affect Collection," said Chika, "It gives dual Diamond Zones to both the host and the Rad-A!"


Jujo had shifted timelines once again, not having enough time to counterattack due to the recalculations he needed to make.

"Ryder," mumbled Chika hazily, "Please make your move now."

"Yeah, yeah," replied Persona, "No need to say that name again."

Persona was already behind Jujo's back, shoving his fist right through Jujo's chest.


Broke Jujo's leg.


Punched Jujo in the face.


All of his moves were equal to nothing as long as Jujo could shift through timelines. Not only was he invincible, but he drained stamina from Persona. Soon, even Persona knew that this was doing no good. Jujo was toying with him, making wounds across his legs and his arms, slowing him down in mobility.

Persona switched attributes. Just as Adonis did to see Wraith through his dimension, Persona also switched attributes of infinite sight to see right through the timeline that Jujo was planning to shift in. With that, even if he attacked Jujo, at least he wouldn't get hit by the counterattack.

However, that lied another problem: Even if he was forced to dodge through Jujo's counterattacks, it would still take up stamina. It was a war of attrition, one that Jujo probably wouldn't keep up with.

"I'll just have to see Jujo and memorize his positions, and predict where he'll be going," thought Persona, "Then I'll use infinite reach to reach through timelines!"

Persona punched Jujo's face again with infinite strength, exploding his head from the power. Then with his infinite sight, Persona saw as Jujo moved around from behind the corpse, plotting for a counterattack. Persona dodged the attack, and by memorizing his position, Persona used his infinite reach, plunging his arm right through the air.

The arm disappeared, signifying that it had reached another timeline until soon, he felt a punch! He had hit Jujo in his new shifted timeline!


"I was hurt..?" asked Jujo, unaware of what was happening, "Your True Platinum Rotation truly is troublesome."

"I've invaded your dimension, haven't I?" smiled Persona, "There's just no chance we can lose here!"

Persona used infinite speed once again to get close to Jujo, smacking him in and forcing him to shift timelines to prevent injury. Persona predicted his position once again and hit him in his own timeline using infinite reach.

This went on for a few minutes before Persona knew that Jujo was in an injured state. He set up the attack once again and soon, he jumped up and used his own feet.

"Infinite reach dropkick!" thought Persona.

However, his predictions were off. Within his shifted timeline, Jujo predicted when Persona would predict his movements and went against that flow. Thus, he dodged the dropkick and raised his claws, slicing it down and chopping Persona's legs off!

Persona yelled in agony as his legs were lost in the other dimension, unable to be retrieved as they were no longer a part of his body. His Restoration Magia only prevented the bleeding, but they couldn't restore his legs back to what they once were.

"Ryder!" yelled Chika, rushing over to him.

"Timeline Shifting Chronostasis!" yelled Jujo, looking at the movements of Chika using his Eyes of Nothing, "Just as I thought.. in all timelines her movements go over to reach and see if Ryder Ziratoni is alright. What a pure heart. Collection Zeroth Gear on the other hand.. I don't know his movements, but he's coming right at me!"

Collection swung his dual blades at Jujo, who had blocked it with his claws. He then wrapped around and made unpredictable movements, shifting timelines within his Chronostasis before kicking Collection away with his leg. He couldn't use his claws as it wouldn't harm Collection due to his Diamond Zone.

Just as he kicked Collection, he noticed that Chika had collapsed as well.

"As I thought," mumbled Jujo, "With any new form of Collection, there's a weakness. Although they both share the same Diamond Zone properties, they both also share the same injuries. I'll use this advantage in Chronostas—"


Jujo's arm was half-shredded as he was launched back. He looked to find Val, who had punched him! Chronostasis had ended prematurely. Ikarus was in shock, still staying behind because of Chika's orders.

"If you think I'm going to let you harm them any further," warned Val, strengthening her fist, "Then you've got something coming for you."

"Collection Gear 1," whispered Chika as they surrounded Persona, "Do all you can to keep him alive. We can't lose him!"

"So I'll have to go through you, the Emerald Shield, if I am going to kill them?" asked Jujo, glaring behind his cocky smile, "Then so be it."

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