Chapter 3: Jukkon

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"If this has to be done, then so be it.."

"I'll make sure to end you once and for all.."

"Get away!"

"Tell Raiden to send this guy to space.."

"Do you understand all of these statements?" asked Jukkon, sitting on the tree log in front of the school, "It's only a few of the last words your ancestors have told me.. They've all died by my hands. You do realize who I am, correct?"

He had the body of Ivan Dekul, one of the Ramuri descendants. He had stolen this body upon killing the man. This gave him the power known as Chronostasis.

"Y-you're Jukkon.." mumbled Chris Ramuri the Second, "You're.. the guy who's been killing all of the Ramuri's. My ancestors."

"Well done, you know your history," smiled Jukkon, "Granted, it's been a long while since Will Ramuri.. or Seto Ramuri.. or even Ross Ramuri. However, I doubt that this tradition of Ramuri's I will kill won't come to an end!"

Jukkon lunged at Chris, only to be blocked off by a sword, knocking Jukkon back. Jukkon realized that his arm was gone, slowly regenerating back to its original state. He then looked across of him to find a red haired man blocking Chris with a sword.

"Chris.. stand back.." warned Law, looking at Jukkon, "I've been told to protect any Chris Ramuri, no matter who they are. That's my promise to Sora.."

"Sora Ramuri.. yes," mumbled Jukkon, "The first Ramuri, father of Chris Ramuri the first. He was also Will Ramuri's grandfather. Tell me.. why do you go to such great lengths to protect this cursed bloodline?"

"I owe a promise to Sora," smiled Law, pointing his sword at Jukkon, "He's the man who showed me true ambition. And for that, I'll do my best to protect his descendants until the day I die."

"You're a fool, Devil!" smiled Jukkon as he lunged at Law.

Law jumped up, kicking Jukkon down to the floor and shoving the sword into his back. He then removed the sword from Jukkon's body and kicked him away, a big grin on his face.

"Painful, isn't it?" smiled Law, "I could do this all day, y'know! Chris.. go warn the res of the school that this guy arrived. Chances are I'll be finished with him before they arrive though."

"You're as cocky as ever, Devil," glared Jukkon.

"I've got barely any time left before some 'gods' come my way," smiled Law, "I'll have to be responsible for all of them, sent from Majestika herself. So.. I'm using up the rest of my time to have a little fun before they appear at my library. I didn't expect I'd have to finish off Jukkon, the Ramuri killer, once and for all though."

"Say that when you've actually gotten a chance to kill me—" yelled Jukkon before getting grabbed by the neck of Law.

"Listen here, buddy," glared Law, "It's already been centuries.. millennia since you've been terrorizing this bloodline; this bloodline that I've promised to protect. Your coming-backs have frankly gotten annoying, and I'm totally pissed off. I don't care what power you have anymore.. Chronostasis.. Regeneration? I'll end it all here.. This is the power of the Devil's Death Stare."

Law's eye turned black, looking directly into Jukkon's eyes. Jukkon's face melted off, only leaving behind a skull. His skin did not regenerate.

"This is the only way to kill a monster.. no.. a creature like you," mumbled Law, touching the body to make it burst blood, "There shouldn't be any chance of you ever coming back to terrorize these people. Not again. I don't know what I'd do if you will. My true Death Stare takes a while to regain power, and I've been saving it up for millennia just for this reason.

I hate that I'd had to waste it on scum like you."

That's when Chris Ramuri arrived, leading the classmates. However, he only got the glimpse of the Devil, taking Jukkon's body and disappearing with a smile.

"That's.. the story of Jukkon," said Yuri Godrasil, staring at the book in Law's Library, "Yet.. it's destiny for me to revive him once again? I'm confused.. It says here that a person of supreme being would cause a Law Shift to revive Jukkon.. but Jukkon visits that person to cause the Law Shift in the first place..?"

"Yes.. Yuri.." mumbled the spirit flying behind her, "You just need to cause a Law Shift.. do it to revive me. Kill one of your godly allies."

"I.. can't just do that!" yelled Yuri, putting the book away, "They're my allies! And Law would kill me! I like a little chaos, but not that much!"

"Then you'll feel the wrath of I, being cursed upon just like the Ramuri bloodline.."

"You're but a spirit!" smiled Yuri, almost laughing, "You can't do anything to me!"

That's when the spirit temporarily possessed a human doll: an artifact located in Law's Library. Soon, Jukkon had overpowered a Yuri, despite not having any abilities and her have the ability of thievery.

"J-just.. what are you?" asked Yuri in shock, "How did a measly human defeat me.. a god?"

"I am Jukkon..." said the doll, a spirit finally flying away from it, "These are my orders. Kill a god. Cause a Law Shift. Revive my body. If you fail, I'll find you and kill you myself."

Out of fear, Yuri rushed out of the library, ready to do the task that she was given to her out of force.

And with Jukkon revived, he began making deals with each person: Azarthoth, Seraph, Adonis. He planned carefully and calculated events so that he would not be stopped this time. He would achieve Fate and cause a mass wipe as revenge for the Devil and the Ramuri bloodline.

This was Fate, the strongest ability that Jukkon would seek out for. No longer was he a weak and measly business man, but a spirit of undeniable power that would cause havoc towards everything.

It was only time before Jukkon's plan had truly come to fruition.

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