File 44: Restaurant Rumble

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"I see.." said Ikarus, "I'm sorry for bursting out like that.."

The cafe was bustling with customers. The streets of the Italian city were crowded with lots of people, as if nothing bad was going on that day. Since Ikarus' wings were ripped off by Jukkon, he blended into the crowds easier.

"Don't worry about it," said Will as he sipped the coffee, "It displayed your true power, something that comes out only during bloodshed. We'll have to think of something to take down Jukkon."

"How are we gonna be able to do that though?" asked Chika in clear frustration, "You saw it too didn't you? Not even the strength of the Diamond Zone could get through his walls of Fate. How are we supposed to fight a guy that wins all of his battles? There's just no way!"

"If the Diamond Zone doesn't work," said Val, "And Platinum Rotation doesn't either.. Wouldn't that mean that my Emerald Shield and Ikarus' Golden Daedalus wouldn't work either?"

"Not necessarily," explained Will, "If anything, the tools cancel out both sides of powers. We're not dead yet, right? I'm assuming that Fate can't reach us because of the strength that these tools have given us, similar to the power of my Berserker Blade. Our forces counter each other. We can't attack him with the tools, and he can't attack us with Fate. Or at the very least, end our lives so simply."

Persona spoke up, "Then that means we just have to—"


The group looked at the entrance to find someone who had broken through the window. The other patrons began to scream as they ran out from the restaurant. The group remained in their seats.

"Woah!" exclaimed Ikarus.

"Can't they just walk in through the front door like a normal person?" mumbled Chika.

"Is it an enemy?" asked Val.

"I'd assume so," answered Law.

"Then we might as well go check out who," stated Will as he stood up.

That's when Persona noticed that the person who had entered the restaurant was a familiar face. It was a black figure, with white claws coming out of its hands. This meant that there was a white figure, with a black figure as a thin layer covering the white figure.

"Lightness and Darkness," explained Persona, "The pride of the Faizione Gang. Lightness has the ability to degenerate and Darkness has the ability to regenerate. I've fought them once before with the rest of my team, but I'm sure that we finished them off!"

"You mean.. these people were alive before?" asked Will, "Jukkon must have used Fate to revive them. If that's the extent of his power, then what else could he do?"

"It's alright," said Persona, readying up his Centurion, "There was a clear solution for this. The power of Rotation!"

Persona aimed his Centurion at Lightness and Darkness, blasting the yo-yo at them. However, the yo-go's had bounced off like it was nothing! As the yo-yo got into contact with Darkness, it crackled. The yo-yo was restored back to the Centurion as Persona scratched his head in confusion.

"That crackle.." mumbled Chika, analyzing them, "They're infused with the Diamond Zone!"

"So not only are they revived," mumbled Ikarus, "But they're stronger than you've experienced."

At that moment, the figure jumped at them and lunged, their claws baring as they tried to claw up the group. The group dodged, being separated from each other. Will and Persona jumped to one side, Ikarus rolled backwards and Chika and Val ran to the other side.

"Chika, what's your weakness?" asked Val, already trying to find out a way to take down the enemy.

"The Diamond Zone isn't total defense like your Emerald Shield," said Chika, "It only repels anything that's supernatural, like Rotation or radioactive abilities. Physical attacks like kicks or punches are well equipped to combat it."

"So Persona," said Will, "Why don't we cut this guy up?"

"I wish it were that simple," replied Persona, "But Lightness and Darkness is a tough nut to crack without something to actually combat it. Darkness regenerates really quick, and Lightness has attacks that can degenerate your skin until it dissolves into nothing. If you're going to attack, you'd have to be prepared to lose whatever you're attacking them with. Luckily, you've got me to heal your wounds, eh?"

Suddenly, arrows were being shot at the figure! Ikarus was rapidly shooting arrows from his bow with brute force!

"That guy seriously isn't thinking about this too much, is he?" said Chika.

"Chika, you've got the Diamond Zone, right?" asked Val, "You can easily take down the degenerative and regenerative figures."

"I'll try it!" said Chika as she rushed to Lightness and Darkness.


"What the?" yelled Will in confusion.

Chika's back was slashed, but Lightness and Darkness were nowhere near her. Val couldn't believe her eyes. She didn't see anyone that attacked Chika! Her back was just slashed somehow!

"Don't lower your guard!" yelled Chika as she coughed up blood, falling to the ground, "I know why Lightness and Darkness broke through the window now.. Ryder had encountered an enemy like this before..!"

"Another enemy?" asked Persona in shock, "Another enemy other than Lightness and Darkness? Jukkon sent three people?"

"The man that's seemingly invisible!" mumbled Chika, "The man from the mirror dimension, Joseph Garrett! An assassin from my dimension, a man from the Deep Web!"

"Nice to meet ya," laughed Joseph as he turned visible briefly, flashing his blood stained knife, "I'm getting tons of money from this from Lord Jukkon."

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