File 41: Collide

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The doors suddenly opened, revealing Ikarus, Will, and Val on the other side. Upon confirming that the three weren't security guards or allies, Persona gave the mark to shoot.

"Now!" he yelled.

Ice shards, bullets, and a rotating yo-yo were shot towards the three, who reacted instinctively to the attack. Will had unsheathed his Berserker Blades and cut away at the multiple ice shards until they were no longer a threat. Val's Emerald Shield prevented Exodus' bullets from even touching her skin, deflecting them away.

As the yo-yo reached Ikarus, an automatic shield appeared, trying its best to keep Ikarus out of harms away. However, the shield instantly broke upon contact with the yo-yo, which fell to the ground due to a huge amount of gravity.

"These guys are powerful!" thought Ikarus as he saw his shield break, "In just one attack, they already broke my shield, just like Will did!"

"What kind of—?" thought Persona, confused, his yo-yo being restored to the original position of the Centurion, "I imbued Rotation into that yo-yo.."

Their thoughts were interrupted by Will saying, "Hostiles! Take them out!"

The trio separated to fight each person.

"Stop moving around!" yelled Exodus, shooting bullets at the flapping angel.

"Woah!" yelled Ikarus, dodging the bullets with his quick speed and intrigued by Exodus' missing left arm, casually making conversation and asking, "What happened to your arm?"

"None of your business!" she yelled as a bullet was reflected off of a plate using her Bullet Magia, hitting Ikarus from the back and causing him to fall down.

"Yowch!" yelled Ikarus, holding an arrow to his bow and ready to shoot Exodus in a gunfight, "I forgot my shields were broken.. Do bullets really hurt that much?"

"Ikarus!" yelled Will, "I told you to be careful! I can't have you dying on my watch!"

The floorboards of the library broke as Will's Berserker Blade made a hole into it. Persona dodged the attacks that Will made, trying to aim his Centurion at him.

"Stop dodging already and accept your death," glared Will as he dodged the yo-yo shot at him, "Unlike Ikarus, you seem to catch up with my speed as if you had training."

"I could say for you to stop dodging yourself," smiled Persona cockily, "I'm the Boss of this gang I don't plan on backing down."

"Clearly," said Will as he turned around and sliced the yo-yo in half that was coming for his back, "It seems that your shots wrap around again..."

Will inspected the halved yo-yo, which moved by itself and came back together in one piece. Soon, it was as if the yo-yo flew back into the Centurion by itself!

"That's gonna be a nuisance as well," scoffed Will, "So what if you can heal things?"

"Don't underestimate now," stared down Persona, "All I need to do is hit you once."

Punches were thrown left and right as Minny tried to dodge Val's fists.

"I'm really sorry!" apologized Val, "I haven't done a 'take them out' mission before! In fact, I haven't even took anybody out for a date yet!"

"I'm sorry too!" apologized Minny in confusion, "I lost my memory a few weeks ago, and I still don't know what's going on!"

Suddenly, Val saw an opening and touched Minny, transforming her into a frog! Minny leaped around as Persona noticed that something was wrong.

"Minny!" yelled Persona as he shot a distraction shot at Will, running towards her.

Val was ready to go after Persona, but two warning bullets were shot near Val's shoes from Exodus, as if she's telling her to back off. When Persona arrived at the frog, he touched her with his hands, restoring her back into a human again. She fell unconscious.

"Wait!" yelled Ikarus, "I don't think these guys are the anomaly!"

"What makes you say that?" asked Will as the fighting between everyone stopped.

"Their main focus is to defend theirselves," explained Ikarus, looking around, "We intruded into their mansion anyways. Plus, if this keeps up, who knows who would die? I don't think that they're followers of Jukkon!"

"Who's Jukkon?" asked Exodus, confused, "You mean, you guys aren't the people who set off the explosion?"

"Chances are, Exodus, that it was from Inferno," said Persona, still on guard as he laid Minny on the floor, "Now, you three, explain yourselves."

"There's no time to explain at the moment," piped up Val, "But we really need to find this anomaly! The fate of the realities rest on us stopping a person named Jukkon!"

"We need to stop babbling and check out the explosion," announced Will, "Ikarus, stay here and wait until that Minny person wakes up from consciousness."

"How can I even trust you with her?" glared Persona.

"Don't worry, mister!" smiled Ikarus, "We're the good guys here! We really need your cooperation!"

Persona stared and shook his head, standing up and letting Ikarus attend to Minny, "Fine. We need to check up on Inferno anyways, and we don't have time to wait."

As the group went ahead and exited the library, Will stopped Persona in his tracks.

"Stop making rash decisions and getting into fights you don't even know about," glared Will, "You're only going to put your allies in danger if you do."

"Don't you think I already know that?" asked Persona, as if he was looking down on Will, "I could say the same for you. Stop judging people firsthand."

Persona and Will grew a dislike to each other as they both went to the source of the explosion.

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