Chapter 7: Confrontation

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"Don't.. you dare underestimate my resolve!" yelled Persona, touching his chest.

"What!?" thought Jukkon, trying to remove his arm from Persona's back, "He.. he restored his wounds with my arm inside of him to keep me entrapped!?"

Persona then aimed his Centurion at Jukkon, aiming directly at his head and shooting him with the yo-yo. Jukkon's mind began to falter as the Platinum Rotation spun at his head. He tried to rip his arm out of Persona, but couldn't. Finally he realized..

"My abilities! My Chronostasis!" thought Jukkon, "Platinum Rotation... the very thing that defeated Adonis has boosted my abilities down infinitely to the point where I can't use them! I can't escape!"

"Will, just like we planned!" yelled Persona, coughing up blood from Jukkon's arm being inside him, "Cut his head off!"

Will Ramuri dashed forward, gripping the handle of the Berserker Blade in his hand. He stared right at Jukkon's neck, ready to kill him off.

"And to think that getting close and trying to get rid of the healer first would give me an advantage!" thought Jukkon as he panicked, looking for a way out, "I will not falter!"

At the last second, Jukkon ducked and gripped his arm to barely pull it up, causing Will to accidentally slice off Jukkon's arm, freeing him from the trap that Persona had created. Jukkon jumped away, shaking off the effects of the Platinum Rotation as his torn off arm fizzled away and disappeared.

"I've got to.. use my power.." thought Jukkon, "Just as I did with Mateo and using reality to temporarily change him into a rat.. I'll manipulate reality to make clones of myself.. It'll take lots of energy, and they won't last long.. but I need to do it! Chronostasis!"

For a brief moment, everyone had stopped in their tracks. A decade in Chronostasis was almost one second in true time. Jukkon focused on creating his clones during this time, but was suddenly interrupted!

"You're not getting away!" yelled Val, the Emerald Shield protecting her and scraping at Jukkon's sides, causing him to jump away.

"This Valeria person is immune to the effects of my Chronostasis.. I should've been careful," mumbled Jukkon as he slowly regenerated his wounds.

Suddenly, he was being hit behind. He turned around to find Chika punching him and barely doing any damage. However, as soon as she was about to punch him again, she stopped in place just like the others.

"Odd.. this one was immune to the effects of my Chronostasis as well.. but she suddenly got affected?" thought Jukkon, who was now confused and keeping his mind on Val, who was charging at him, "I should take care of that Valeria person before attempting to create clon—"


"What the!?" thought Jukkon in panic as he fell to the ground, his other arm cut clean off, "When did my arm—?"

That's when he noticed the golden figure floating right by him, "Collection Berserker Gear.."

"That's.. the Diamond Zone user's Rad-A!" yelled Jukkon as he limped away as they both charged at him, "I can't afford it! My Chronostasis is running out! I've got to make clones now! It's my only chance!"

Persona, Will, Ikarus, and the others could finally move again, to find multiple Jukkon's staring them down.

"Since when did he multiply?" asked Ikarus, noticing that one of the Jukkon's were critically injured, "And what's with that injured one?"

"Collection Berserker Gear attacked him during some sort of stun," mumbled Chika.

"It was Chronostasis," explained Val, "It lets him slow down time so much that no one can move. Since I'm wield the law of Order, and Chika has the Diamond Zone, we're immune to the effects."

"I'll take on the critically injured one, the real Jukkon!" yelled Persona, "Please provide me cover!"

"Anything to finally take this bastard down," said Will, wielding his Berserker Blade and facing another Jukkon.

"Alright guys," said Law as he drew his own Berserker Blade, "Keep Persona covered and prevent him from getting interrupted to defeat the original Jukkon! Just like the clones I can make with the law of Authority, these Jukkon's don't wield the same abilities as the original has. However, we should still be on guard. These guys think the same way Jukkon does."

"You've planned very well, Persona.." smiled Jukkon as his limbs finally regenerated, "And to think that anyone could defeat Adonis, with her power of Infinity Magia. I do apologize for underestimating your resolve, but your life truly ends here."

Jukkon lunged at Persona, throwing needles beforehand. Persona blocked the needles with his arms, healing the wounds that were inflicted upon him. He also shot his yo-yo at Jukkon, which missed.

"You're not hitting me with Platinum Rotation again!" yelled Jukkon as he ducked the yo-yo.

The yo-yo revolves around back like a boomerang due to Persona's Restoration Magia, coming right back into the Centurion. However, before it could hit the back of Jukkon's head, he caught it in his hand.

"And don't even think about trying to get a sneak attack on me!" Jukkon laughed as he threw the yo-yo right at Persona, with an impact so great it burst through his body.

Persona coughed up blood as he restored his wounds, running towards his yo-yo to pick it up. However, Jukkon was already upon him as he reached for the yo-yo, kicking him away. Luckily, Persona's fingers brushed against the yo-yo, letting him restore it to its original location: The Centurion.

"It's only a thought process, and it seemed good on paper," said Persona, pointing the Centurion at himself, "I've been meaning to try this for a long time.. but I've never gotten to it. I've got to try this gamble now, because at this rate, I'd doubt I'd survive."


Persona blasted the yo-yo at himself in the chest, hitting him full force with Platinum Rotation. This kind of Rotation was at the right speed, known as True Platinum Rotation. The difference with True Platinum Rotation and Platinum Rotation was that the air causes the rotation of the yo-yo to slow down due to its force, while still holding the original power of Platinum Rotation.

True Platinum Rotation however, had almost no air to hold it back, hitting Persona with the full force of energy coming from the yo-yo. It would soon wield unexpected results.

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