Episode 37: The Devil

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"I wonder why you're back," mumbled Law as he stared at Jukkon, "Did a Law Shift bring you back to life? Or is it just another coincidence that you've managed to come back yet again?"

"Law!" yelled Jazz, "He's really powerful! Everyone's critically injured."

"I'm aware. I plan on taking him down right here."

Suddenly, Jukkon was now the one being held up in the air. Law took of his hat, revealing his red fluffy hair and looking directly into Jukkon's eyes.

"Be grateful," stated Law, "I haven't done this in a while."

One of Law's eyes began to darken and turn completely black, only a single red dot glowing straight in the center. The skin surrounding that eye began to crack up as Jukkon stared into it. This was the Devil's death stare. Soon, Jukkon's face felt hot, and his skin began to melt. It only took a few seconds before Jukkon's face had turned into goop, and nothing was left except a skull. As Law dropped the dead body, he kept staring at it.

Sure enough, the skull began to regenerate flesh and soon, Jukkon was back to normal, if nothing had happened to him.

"I'm sure you're already aware of what I can do," smiled Jukkon cockily.

"Merely a test," said Law as time had stopped.

Law walked around Jukkon, inspecting his physique. Law's usual ability to burst the veins of a person wouldn't work as Jukkon would simply regenerate that blood back. Law pulled out a shiny black sword from his back, using it to slice both of Jukkon's arms off before resuming time once again. Law then kicked Jukkon away from him.

Jukkon inspected his arms, saying, "They.. aren't regenerating as quickly as they should. Devil.. what is that weapon you hold in your hands?"

"The Berserker Blade," announced Law, "Or rather a replica of the weapon that's used to defeat anything in its path. Try putting up a fight, because I won't be showing you any mercy."

Jukkon suddenly appeared from behind Law, kicking him to the floor. However, Law used his hands to cushion the fall, and sprang back to slice the sword at Jukkon. It was this constant attack, parry, counterattack that the two made that caused the battle to last long. Val tried to keep up with what was happening, but she couldn't even see where they were sometimes.

"This guy is taking on Law one on one!" thought Val, "Just how powerful is he?"


Law was stabbed in the stomach with a dagger. He was then stabbed from behind once again.

"You wouldn't think I'd fight without a weapon, would I?" smiled Jukkon as he gripped Law's chest, piercing his fingers into him and draining his energy, kicking him away, "I hold the title of Azarthoth, Eater of Realities. I deserve the recognition I have."

"So.. you're the guy who killed Azarthoth, huh?" asked Law as he wiped the blood from his mouth, "Controlling Time... Space from Azarthoth... and now Reality from Rzeczywistość. You're nothing but a thief. Under the order of Majestika, I'll end you right here."

Law dashed at Jukkon, gripping the blade and charging straight at him. Jukkon merely smiled and dodged the attack by teleporting slightly away.

"Why do you try?" smiled Jukkon, as he looked down upon Law, "Even if you were to hit me, I'd regenerate it all!"

At that moment, Law elbowed Jukkon, causing him to flinch momentarily. He then pulled on Jukkon's skin, and threw him at Val.

"Even though you wield powerful abilities," yelled Law, "You're still only human! Valeria! Activate your Emerald Shield!"

Val has only used the Emerald Shield before, and that was during her fight with Law. It consisted of multiple leaves swirling around her in great speeds, providing her ample protection. As Jukkon flew at Val, his neck snapped just by touching the outer layer, flinging him to the ground. Jukkon slowly began to regenerate his fractured bones, but Law was already where he was.

"You're not getting off that easy," glared Law as he picked up the dangling head of Jukkon, "Keep that shield activated, Valeria."

Law proceeded to violently smash Jukkon's head into the Emerald Shield, scraping away at his skin and bones. Jukkon screamed in agony and anger as the leaves were painted red. Law was getting close to destroying the entirety of Jukkon's head before it happened again.


Chronostasis. Jukkon's almost headless head was released from the strong grip of Law. Usually, Law would be able to move in stopped time just like Styx, however since Jukkon uses a different form of time stopping, Law wasn't used to it. Only Val could see what Jukkon was planning. As Jukkon's head slowly began to regenerate back, he spoke to Val.

"It appears that your 'Emerald Shield' possesses the same attributes of those with the Berserker Blade," he stated, "Until I find a way to defeat you both, I have yet to control Fate itself. I'll come back with a different plan. You should think about your last days of living in this realm.

No one is safe, for even gods themselves have died by my hand."

At that moment, Val still couldn't keep up with Jukkon due to her injuries. She watched helplessly as Jukkon opened up a portal with his space ability and stepped through, disappearing out of sight. Once the portal closed, Chronostasis had ended.


Val deactivated her shield as Law fell forwards.

"What happened?" asked Law, "Where did he go?"

"He left so that he would come back stronger," mumbled Val shamefully as she stared at the ground, guilty that she couldn't stop him.

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