File 39: Innocent Blood

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"Persona... there's a problem," glared Inferno as he opened up the doors to Persona's office.

"What is it?" asked Persona, placing his papers down on his desk, "Is it the Magia Wizards again? Or another threat to Proiettilo?"

"It's actually worse.." mumbled Inferno in shame, almost tearing up.

"Spill the beans already!"

"Please help me go to the bathroom.."

Persona stared at Inferno with a blank face, a long awkward pause surrounding the room.

"Don't look at me like that, you bastard!" yelled Inferno crazily, "You know what's happened to me every time I went to the bathroom!"

"It's not like anyone's coming after our position anymore," sighed Persona, "Even if they are, it's usually the people who want to come after the head of Proiettilo, but no one has even found the actual base at all."

Bangtan Gang #32's housing had upgraded from a garage to a mansion, inherited from what Adonis once had. There were also more security guards surrounding the place, as well as cameras to protect the elite assassins: Minny, Inferno, and Exodus.

"Have you seen Exodus?" asked Persona, "There was a little hiccup when it came to her skills. I need for her to edit it."

"She's by the library," said Inferno, pointing at the direction to it, "Minny's helping her with her education."

"Right.. has Minny developed an understanding of how her Magia works?"

"Only little slivers of ice. She's pretty vulnerable at the moment..... and so am I. If you'll excuse me, I'm going to the restroom.."

As Inferno went to leave, Persona stood up from his desk, taking the papers and walking towards the library. As he entered, he saw Minny struggling to help Exodus learn language arts.

"Why is it that you can do high level precision calculations with math but not know how to spell 'temperature?'" groaned Minny, her head lying down on the desk.

"I can't help that my brain works differently!" yelled Exodus in frustration, waving around her single right arm.

"Oi, Exodus!" announced Persona.

"Oh, Boss," replied Exodus, placing her materials down, "You need something?"

"They labeled your profile wrong. I need you to edit over and change a few things."

Exodus walked over to Persona and began doing her work. As she did so, Minny and Persona began to discuss about her.

"Do you have any clue about your memories yet?" he asked.

"Not really, except for some knowledge about how my Magia works," replied Minny shamefully, "The files you gave me did help about what I've done before, but they didn't give me much information on how I used my powers to manifest ice."

"Don't rush it too much. Take your time before you learn your powers. I've been meaning on planning to send you and Exodus on a mission, actually."

"A mission?"

"For some reason, there's a serial killer in Akihabara, Japan. Our Proiettilo members have been running into him, and somehow dying. I wish I could've acted on this sooner, but it was an already active case ever since Adonis had control of the gang. She didn't even care about what was happening around that district."

"Then, let us go! We should be able to take on the serial killer!"

"Although we could go, especially with the help of my Centurion to take down the killer, your recovery is far more important. Call it selfish, but we do need your abilities if we're going to function as a gang. Your leadership skills were very important when it came to our mission against Adonis, and I don't think I would do well as a great leader."

"But what about the members in Akihabara?"

"Inferno has already sent a member named Pine from the Faizione Gang to the district. She should be able to handle the serial killer with her Magia. If the situation worsens, then I might need to send you guys and myself out there, regardless of the recovery. So I would advise on focusing on your recovery, but don't strain yourself too much trying to learn it."

"Understood, Boss," said Minny just as Exodus raised her arm up in triumph.

"Did you finish editing, Exodus?" asked Persona, eyeing her paper.

"Yeah I did," smiled Exodus with a victorious look on her face, "I finally finished writing down my name!"

"These three are my great assassins," thought Persona to himself, his hands sweating from thinking about how soon he could die.

"I'll go help her out Boss," giggled Minny, going over to Exodus, "You could go back to your office while we wrap things up here."

Just as Persona started walking back to the library entrance, an explosion occurred.


Persona, Exodus, and Minny quickly ran over to the window, where they looked through to find one side of the mansion already consumed in flames. What was going on? Was there an attack?

"Hey what happened?" yelled Exodus in panic, gripping her revolver holstered to her shorts.

"Inferno went to the bathroom around that side of the mansion," said Persona in shock, "He must've encountered someone dangerous! Come on! Let's back him up! Careful not to touch any of his flames."

As the trio ran over to the library door, Persona had stopped them.

"Do you hear that?" whispered Persona as he beckoned the others to lean closely to the door.

"What just happened?" asked a voice on the other side of the door.

"It must've been an explosion," replied another voice.

"Should we go over there and help them?" asked yet another voice.

"Not yet," said the second voice, "I've heard some voices coming from this room as well. We'll check this room out before going over to the explosion."

Persona, Exodus, and Minny stepped back from the door. Persona readied his Centurion and Exodus pointed her revolver at the door, ready to shoot anything that was considered a threat.

"Be careful, you two," announced Persona, waiting for the door to open, "It's been a while since we've fought, but we have some company."

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