Episode 36: Payback

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"Well, that's taken care of," mumbled Brian as he felt his injuries, walking over to Jak, "Hey, heal me up already."

"Yeah, hold on," said Jak as he focused on healing Jazz, "Wait 'til I'm done."

"What're we going to do about the children that Jukkon had already killed?" asked Val in concern, looking back at the school.

"I've already contacted Law," answered Styx, "He should be already on his way here. Once he comes, he'll be able to fix up anything that Jukkon has caused. Hopefully he comes quick. If these changes aren't reverted quick enough, we might experience another Law Shift, and you've seen it firsthand."

Jak finished healing up Jazz's wounds and went over towards Brian. However, at that moment, Kaleb noticed something and stepped closer to get a better view.

"Neos' explosions leave no trace," stated Kaleb, "However... the ashes don't seem to be disappearing."

"It'll take a while for them to fully disappear," replied Neos, "They're way too tiny to see anyways, so even if they're still there, it's not like anyone's gonna catch on."

"No.. Neos.. look!"

The ashes grew larger and larger, the black connecting to each other as if they were puzzle pieces. Soon, the pieces began to show a white color as the others looked in horror. Flesh began to surround the bones, regenerating quickly and quickly as they looked on in fear. Soon, the face was fully sculpted, and hair started sprouting from the head.

"Holding back so I could find out each of your abilities was a good idea," Jukkon finally spoke as he stared at his naked body, "A change of clothes may be necessary, but at least I've memorized each of your abilities. Time stop, teleportation, super speed, mind control, and explosions... That girl over there has not shown me her abilities, and that boy healing wounds by somehow repairing the cells... That's the reality manipulator."

"Quick!" yelled Kaleb as he rushed towards Jukkon alongside Brian, "Get Jak out of here quick!"


"Chronostasis," smiled Jukkon, "The ability to manipulate the slowing of time. It truly is one of my most useful abilities."

Jukkon walked over towards Kaleb and punched a hole through his stomach. Then, he walked over to Brian and kicked his shoulder, hearing a little crunch as the shoulder was dislocated.

"Such destructive abilities, yet they're so weak," mumbled Jukkon, "They are truly inexperienced when it comes to fighting stronger beings such as—"


"What the?" yelled Jukkon as he hit the ground, "I was hit during my Chronostasis? Impossible!"

"I won't forgive you for what you've done!" panted Val, wielding the god ability of Order, "I didn't think it would work, but I found out how to move in Chronostasis, just like my ability to move whenever Law or Styx stopped time!"

Suddenly, Jukkon was in front of Val, "Don't get in my way."


"He-he's so fast!" thought Val as she was launched by a kick towards the school building, crashing into the wall.

She couldn't move much with her injuries she had. Soon, Jukkon walked over to Jak, staring down at him.

"I don't have much time left," mumbled Jukkon, "I'm just going to have to extract his power once Chronostasis has ended."


Kaleb and Brian yelled in agony as their injuries had caught up to them. Kaleb fell to the ground, clutching his stomach which now had a hole in it. Brian was also lying down on the ground, his shoulder dislocated. Before Jak, Styx, Jazz, and Neos could comprehend what was going on, Jukkon was already before Jak. He grabbed Jak's neck and held him up, his fingers digging into the skin.

"Jak!" yelled Jazz as she teleported in right next to Jukkon.

However, Jukkon was already aware of the teleportation and smacked her away with his hand. Jak yelled in pain as he was slowly being drained of his ability to manipulate reality. Neos ran up to Jukkon in an attempt to touch him and hopefully make him explode once more, but he was suddenly stopped in his place. He was slowly turning into stone, not being able to move a muscle.

"So.. this is the power to manipulate reality," smiled Jukkon as he began to laugh in triumph, dropping the soulless body of Jak to the ground, "This sort of reality manipulation is severely limited, but I can manage."

Styx stood up and tried to stop time, but suddenly Jukkon was right before her, as if he teleported. Val didn't even see that Jukkon activated Chronostasis. It was like he had another ability!

"Go ahead," commanded Jukkon, "Stop time. I control time, space, and now reality. Whatever shall you try?"

Styx tried it, but she couldn't. She temporarily couldn't use her abilities because Jukkon had manipulated reality to prevent her from doing so.

"As I've thought," smiled Jukkon as he punched her in the face, causing her to fall down with a yell, "Even to paranormal beings such as you all, I've already grown powerful enough to end each and everyone of you."

"Without Jak here to manipulate reality," thought Val to herself, tossing a flower to Kaleb to prevent him from dying, "We can't heal up the others as quick! What're we going to do?"

The ground began to crumble as Jukkon tested his new ability, "I knew it was easy, but I didn't think it was going to be this easy."

Suddenly, Jukkon was launched to the ground, as if he was hit by a very large object. His arm flew off his body, cut off with blood spewing out.

"Who..?" hissed Jukkon as he slowly stood back up, his arm regenerating while the other arm disintegrated.

"I knew there was trouble," said the man brushing his suit, standing where Jukkon once was, "But I didn't expect this kind of trouble."

"L-Law!" yelled Jazz in hope.

"You're still alive?" asked Jukkon as he smiled, slowly walking towards Law, "Well.. you're the Devil after all."

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