Chapter 9: This is Fate

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Chronostasis has stopped as the bag opened up, a Magia Orb rolling out of it. Persona, Jukkon, and Val's eyes widened as they saw it.

"That's.." thought Val, "That's the same orb that gave me my powers!"

"My chance!" thought Jukkon as he leaped for the Magia Orb.

Suddenly, Persona kicked the Orb away from Jukkon, which was heading straight at Val.

"Val!" yelled Persona, "Don't let him take ahold of that orb!"

Val raised her hands up to catch the Orb, reading up her Emerald Shield in the event that Jukkon would come after her. However, she was too late! Jukkon had teleported using his special abilities, trying to grab the Orb into his hands.


An arrow was shot at the orb, throwing it out of trajectory from Jukkon's hands! Ikarus was from across the battlefield, who held onto his bow.

"Just don't let him take the orb, right?" asked Ikarus, "I'll aim to do that!"

Jukkon rushed towards the orb, but his chest was impaled by Chika's Collection.

"You're not getting whatever that is anytime soon!" yelled Chika as she sliced Jukkon's limbs, preventing him from moving, "Your goal has changed so much that you've failed to protect your very own original body!"

In a last desperate attempt, Jukkon teleported once again, "My body isn't important! It's fate that matters! It's fate that'll determine the outcome of this battle!"

Just as Jukkon was about to reach for the Magia Orb, which had flew through the air, his face was met with a boot, launching him far from the Magia Orb. It had finally landed in someone's hands: Law.

"Yes!" smiled Val, "Law got the Magia Orb! Not only that, but Jukkon's original body is severely injured! We can take him down now!"

However, Will was already ahead of that. His burning hatred made him seek out where Jukkon's body had landed, finishing him off with a slice through the neck, finally ending his reign.

That is, until Law began to laugh. Everyone's eyes skeptically turned to Law, Ho had just burst out into laughter.

"Law..?" asked Val.

The fragments of Law's skin began to change, transforming into a familiar figure: Jukkon! He had grabbed ahold of the Magia Orb, manipulating reality to make himself appear as Law!

"How?" thought Will in confusion, "I just killed the original body! And if that's not Law.. then where's the real Law?"

"Law!!" yelled Ikarus in panic as he rushed over to the side of the colosseum, the Golden Daedalus revealing his location, "Law!"

Val and Will rushed over in concern as well. Upon examining the body, they already knew it was too late. Law has already been dead for minutes now. How did Jukkon plan this? As they focused on Law, Persona and Chika were focusing on Jukkon, who has in his hands one of the most powerful objects in the multiverse.

"The original body wasn't as original as you thought," smiled Jukkon, as the Jukkon clones disappeared, "Posing as one of the Jukkon clones, manipulating the 'original' body to look like it was the original, and posing as one of your allies.. it has all come to my advantage. An ambush truly is the best way to win the battle!"

Break me.. Destroy me.. End my life..

"And with this starts a new era!" yelled Jukkon as he threw the Magia Orb to the floor, shattering it into pieces.

"Noooo!!!" yelled Persona.

"I wish for the power to manipulate Fate itself!" yelled Jukkon in laughter.

The colosseum boomed from the impact, some debris toppling down. As the dust cleared, Jukkon moved his limbs. He had felt no difference from his body from before he broke the Magia Orb.

"Fate states that I will win all battles," stated Jukkon.

Persona wasn't having it. He shot his Centurion at Jukkon, shooting him with the yo-yo infused with Platinum Rotation. It was a direct shot, hitting Jukkon straight into the head, rotating infinitely. His powers should've been nullified.

However, Platinum Rotation was classified as losing the battle. And such, the nullification ceased to exist.

Jukkon teleported in front of Persona, punching him down to the ground and knocking him almost unconscious. Chika immediately let out Collection Berserker Gear and sliced at Jukkon.

However, Collection Berserker Gear was classified as losing the battle. And such, the attack ceased to exist, and Collection Berserker Gear had came back into Chika.

"Not even the Diamond Zo—?"

Chika's thoughts were interrupted by a kick into her face, causing her to black out. Jukkon's power was limitless! He had truly mastered Fate!

"Ikarus!" yelled Will, "Stop! We've already seen the extent of his power! I can't have you dying!"

However, Ikarus, for once in his life, was angered. He had never experienced losing a person's life that he was close to before. He had to do this to avenge Law. He heard someone familiar say "stop" in his mind, but he was too angered to listen. He went into Diablo mode.

He dashed in with the Golden Daedalus, trying to smack Jukkon who had dodged. However, Ikarus followed up with slashes with his blades, but Jukkon's wounds hand instantly been healed by Fate. Arrows. Lots of them. They were shot from Ikarus' bow faster than a machine gun. Jukkon huffed, blasting the arrows away that were lodged into his chest.

But Ikarus was nowhere to be found. Jukkon was confused for a moment before exploding into pieces! Ikarus had used a Mirage Arrow to teleport from inside of Jukkon's body! Ikarus didn't stop his relentless offense until Jukkon regenerated from Fate and grabbed Ikarus by his neck, restraining Ikarus' arms with his other hand.

"Scary.. truly scary," smiled Jukkon, "I underestimated you, little Angel. You just needed a little push to display your anger stricken power. Such a shame."

"Ikarus!" yelled Will as he unsheathed his Berserker Blade, rushing at Jukkon.


Ikarus was thrown towards Will, causing the both of them to fall down to the ground. Val hurried and threw out a flower at them, preventing them both from dying. That's when Val noticed: Ikarus' wings had been ripped out by Jukkon, who now had them attached to his own back.

"You'll pay for this!" yelled Val, crying in despair.

"A new god deserves wings to show his ascent from other beings," smiled Jukkon, turning to the group, "Begone from my sight. Fate commands it."

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