Part 59: Conflict Part 3

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"So.. Jukkon is merely a person impersonating the higher beings..?" asked Chika while thinking, "This could be the God that Seraph was referring to.. The one who wanted the Diamond Zone so that he could potentially have greater power?"

"Is she doing alright..?" asked Val in concern.

"Who exactly are you guys?" asked Chika, scanning her eyes around the group as the prisoners watched their interactions, "Jukkon told me you all were thieves after his power, but this new information has given me some new thought. Explain yourselves, and I'll explain mine."

"Will Ramuri. I'm the third important Ramuri down the Ramuri family tree. I've been through multiple fights in the first zombie apocalypse, and almost tried to prevent the second zombie apocalypse. I was revived multiple times in order to fight some higher being alongside my descendants. Now I've been revived yet again to take down Jukkon, who seems to have somehow come back to this world, and was the person who first killed me. I wield the Berserker Blade, which has helped me through the years, slashing down my opponent's with my techniques."

"Zombie apocalypse..?" mumbled Chika in interest, "Ours has been dying down ever since Raven Dalia spread a cure..."

"My name's Ikarus Antoine! I'm an angel who was sent from the Heavens and by the Goddess Majestika to help Will out in traveling dimensions to look for Jukkon and avenge Azarthoth, the Goddess Majestika's dearest friend. Initially, I was banished from the Heavens because of my split personality, Diablo, but I've regained their trust as well as coming to great terms with him! He's been really quiet lately, but it's just a sign that we've become one with each other!"

"An angel from the Heavens..?" mumbled Chika in confusion, "Do gods actually exist..? Or has Jukkon been lying about it?"

"My name is Valeria Kuro. I'm a freshman at Silver Leaf High School! At first, I thought my life would be quiet and peaceful, but I was soon met with multiple gods who were trying to find a traitor god who has been trying to sabotage and create a Law Shift! When I helped out, soon I became a god myself, with the Law of Order to guide me! I've been traveling with Will and Ikarus so I can take back my friend Jak's Reality Law!"

"Wait, so gods do exist!?" mumbled Chika in shock, "What is this consistency? Has this been happening all the time in different dimensions?"

"Persona is all you need to know. It's my code name as I'm the boss of Proiettilo, a gang that uses Magia. I wield the power of Platinum Rotation using my Centurion, which you should've seen it's power of infinity once it touched your skin. I've been meaning to hunt down Jukkon so I don't have to worry about him potentially coming back for my gang and I."

"Truly an odd ability.." mumbled Chika before standing up to introduce herself,

"My name is Sachiko Sakuramuri. You may not call me Sachiko. I'd prefer to be called Sakura, but an old friend of mine called me Chika. His name was Ryder, and he was a person I really looked up to. The reason why I fought you all was because I was bribed by Jukkon that he'd possibly revive my friend from the dead. The chances are, I've just been used."

"Don't worry about it," said Persona, "If I was in your shoes, I'm sure I would've done the same thin—"


"What was that?" asked Chika, looking around.

Val, Ikarus, Will, Persona, and Chika looked around the prison, even asking some inmates if they heard the sound and knew where it came from. Judging from the inmates' testimonies, the sound couldn't have come from directly inside the prison. It must've been near the entrance. Ikarus forgot about his tool pulled out his Golden Daedalus to seek out where the sound came from. The omnipotence from the Golden Daedalus allowed him to see anything near him. As the group walked over, they saw a horrifying sight:

The dead body of Raven Dalia.

"Raven.." said Chika, covering her hand to her face and crouching down near the body, "Oh my god.."

"You know her?" asked Persona.

"I met her during the Extermination Point.. which was like a little event," explained Chika, "We weren't on good terms but.. I wouldn't wish for something like this to happen to her."

Will inspected the wounds of Raven, seeing the hole that was burst right through her, "This was Jukkon's doing, no doubt about it. She must've found him out, and he got to her before she could warn you."

"This... is the last time anyone's getting hurt because of me," mumbled Chika in anger, "Take me with you so I can beat the crap outta that guy. You've seen how strong I am so you have no choice but to! I'll avenge Ryder and Raven! It's their deaths that are on my hands for what has happened!"

Will began to decline, saying, "We can't let anymore people join fo—"

"Will, we've already gotten this far," said Persona, "Give the girl a chance to fight for something she cares about. Numbers matter regardless, and we can't just do this alone like you planned it out to be."

"What'll you do if your hands are filled with the blood of your allies?" glared Will as he stared down Persona, "Even if we win, what are the costs of it?"

"We'll find a way to survive," said Persona, staring back at Will, "We always do. I'm sure of it. We can take him down."

"Tsk," scoffed Will as he looked at Chika, "You better hope we all survive. I can't let Jukkon take any more lives. Not after what he's done already. He's terrorized the lives of innocents far enough."

"Don't worry, Mr. Ramuri," smiled Ikarus, flashing at thumbs up, "We'll do our best to stop him! After all, we're all Survivors of our own individual journeys!"

"So be it," sighed Will.

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