Script 42: Guardian

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"Are you sure this is the right place, Ikarus?" asked Will.

"Yes, Mr. Ramuri," mentioned Ikarus, "The Goddess Majestika has the ability to sense all kinds of objects as long as she focuses within a certain radius. If she narrowed it down to a similar dimension to Val's, just like Seraph's information had given us, the Magia Orb should be in this dimension."

Ikarus lit up his Golden Daedalus, surveying the area with omnipotence to find out the location of the Magia Orb. In just a few seconds, he had located that the Magia Orb was just inside a gas station! The group quickly went ahead and ran towards the direction.

Val stopped mid-run and looked to the side.

"What's wrong Val?" asked Chika.

Val looked as the school beside them was named "Silver Leaf High School," asking, "Are you sure this isn't my dimension?"

"Ikarus said that we're in a dimension similar to yours," explained Chika, "It's only natural that we'd come across some similar looking buildings."

"Yeah.. it's just.. I have an odd feeling about this one.."

The group continued on until they reached a crosswalk. Just ahead was the gas station, where the Magia Orb was apparently located. Chika went ahead and walked across the crosswalk and walking right into the area of the gas station, where a wall seemingly shattered.

"What just happened?" asked Persona in concern, "Why did the air break?"

"Chances are that there was some kind of wall here to prevent normal people from entering in," explained Chika as she looked at her hands and the ground, "My Diamond Zone shattered that illusion. We're walking into territory that isn't accessible by normal people, a secret base guarded by a strong illusion. We'll have to be careful. Whoever lurks here has something supernatural up their sleeve."

As the group entered, it seemed like an ordinary gas station. With the initial invisible illusion protecting this "secret base," the people here must've felt like they didn't need any other countermeasures. Were they that confident in the abilities of the illusion? More importantly, who created the illusion?

"There it is!" yelled Val, "The Magia Orb!"

The Magia Orb was resting by the shelf near the back of the cashier's desk. Ikarus rushed onward to try and grab it until he was smacked away by something insanely strong. Persona's eye began to widen, gritting his teeth.

"To think that Jukkon would revive a piece of shit like you," mumbled Persona, gripping his Centurion as he clenched his fists.

"What's wrong, Persona?" asked Chika, "Did this person do anything to you?"

"Nothing important," said Persona, "However, I'll make sure she stays dead...


Adonis, the former Boss of Proiettilo, stood behind the cash register, looking grimly amongst the group.

"To think that Jukkon sent two others to aid me," said Adonis, "This won't be difficult. I know of your tricks as well, Persona. You can't get trick Infinity twice."

In under a second, all of the group except for Ikarus was knocked down. Ikarus' shields had rose up, protecting him from the punch that he had encountered.

"What just happened?" asked Val.

"Infinite speed.." said Persona, feeling his face to restore the injury, "She has the ability of Infinity, to change whatever attribute he desires to an infinite level. She had merely used momentum from the speed to make her punch hit hard."

"Not only that.." mumbled Chika as she stood up, "But that punch was technically a normal punch, just amplified by the speed. It can bypass the Diamond Zone..."

"You're an odd one," said Adonis, feeling her knuckles, "That shield of yours is tricky, but I doubt that I'd have any trouble breaking it."

Ikarus' shields could withstand the normal punch, even with the momentum. He could still fight Adonis as long as she didn't make her strength infinite.

"You're not getting in our way of defeating him!" yelled Will, raising his Berserker Blade and rushing over to slice her.


Adonis lifted up her arm, the sword barely denting her. This was infinite durability. Even the Berserker Blade that could cut through anything couldn't even make a dent into it. She switched quickly to infinite strength, kicking Will away from her, causing him to launch towards a bunch of shelves, which came crashing down. Had Will not been as strong as he was, he would've died.

"I just need to hit her with the Platinum Rotation once.." mumbled Persona, pointing the Centurion at her, "That should remove her Infinity Magia... or I could hit myself and obtain True Platinum..

But would it be enough? I'm too inexperienced in the powers of Infinity Magia compared to her experience."

Suddenly, Persona was kicked off the ground, crashing through the gas station window.

"I've told you before Persona," smiled Adonis as she scoffed, "I'm not falling for any of your tricks."

Ikarus shot arrows at Adonis, but they all were deflected off of her because of her infinite durability.

"Useless," said Adonis.

"That wasn't the plan!" yelled Ikarus.

Val had crawled over to the floor, nearing Adonis' leg.

"Law didn't just give his soul to me for me to hear his voice!" yelled Val as she grabbed Adonis' leg, "I've also obtained the Law of Authority!"

She touched the veins of Adonis and made it burst! However, Adonis didn't even flinch. Suddenly, the wounds were gone. This heigh of regeneration was far better than even Jukkon's: Infinite Regeneration.

"There is nothing you can do to escape the power of Infinity," smiled Adonis, "No matter what you do, I'll overcome i—"


Chika, Val, and Ikarus looked in shock. There was a giant hole in Adonis' head. Inside, the brain was missing. She collapsed to the ground, blood splattering across the floors. She was dead.

"Wh-who...?" questioned Chika, confused and afraid of what was going on.

"I didn't even sense..." mumbled Val, "Did you sense anything Chika.. with your Diamond Zone..? Or maybe you, Ikarus, with your Golden Daedalus...?"

"I don't know what those are," said a mysterious voice from behind the counter, a boy leaning against the walls, "But I doubt they could sense the shifting of timelines, especially since it's on a whole 'nother level against any other gift."

"Who are you?" mumbled Will, coughing as he came back to his senses.

"You can call me Juzira Tonijo."

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