[S21] Episode 3: To Sail

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Kitsune steered the ship as they made their way to the Ville of Farms, where the Starship was located. The Starship was a machine that helped Ikarus and the rest of the Arcs travel the Reality Squares to take down the Feds, who were a corrupt department that enforced unfair rules upon everyone.

As she steered, the boat ride was quite tense. Ikarus was fiddling with his fingers, glancing at Will every now and then, who was staring at the sea.

"Mr. Ramuri.." mumbled Ikarus in nervousness, "Can you tell me more about Jukk—"

"All you need to know is that he shouldn't be allowed to exist in this world," interrupted Will, not breaking his concentration on the sea, "I thought we already got rid of him a few centuries back, but it seems that he always keeps returning. Always wreaking havoc. Always finding ways to harm people and their innocent lives."

"The Goddess Majestika said that he seemed to return to existing by something called a Law Shift.." explained Kitsune, "Banzai told me about it a few months back when we were exploring the Reality Squares. They're caused by huge changes, such as an important figure like Azarthoth dying or something. These Law Shifts cause unpredictable effects to happen, like people resurrecting, and timelines to change."

"How powerful is Jukkon?" asked Ikarus, curious that Jukkon could take down Azarthoth so easily, "Maybe if I knew his abilities, I could find a way to help you take him down—"

"Shut the hell up!" yelled Will in anger, "I'll be fighting him alone! He's way too dangerous for you guys, and I'm sure he's more powerful than you!"

"Hey, Ikarus was just asking a question to try and help you!" glared Kitsune, "You don't have to be so rude!"

"Some people who have tried to help in defeating Jukkon have died in the process," explained Will, glaring back as he stood up, "I can't let anymore bloodshed happen, especially not to children like you."

"We're not children!" yelled Kitsune back angrily.

"That's beside the point," mumbled Will as he sat back down on a chair, "I can't let anymore innocent lives to die, especially those who have tried to help me. Even some of my descendants... they did all they could to defeat Jukkon... and some had to even sacrifice themselves.

As of now, their sacrifices are in vain if he keeps resurrecting. I can't let that happen. I myself will find a way to kill him and to prevent him from returning in any way possible."

"Then please, Mr. Ramuri," mumbled Ikarus, stuttering in his sentences, "I just want to satisfy my curiosity.. but I want to know how powerful he is. What abilities he has. Any weaknesses."

"The persistent are annoying.." glared Will, giving in to Ikarus' humble requests, "Over the centuries, Jukkon has had multiple abilities. However, the most notable that he keeps are three abilities:

The ability to regenerate. He's an undead being, resurrected in multiple ways and multiple forms in order to grow stronger and stronger. During his time with one of my descendants, Raiden Ramuri, he's been shown to have outstanding regeneration of his body. Another descendant of mine, Niro Ramuri, blew the monster up, no atom remaining. Yet... his regeneration was so great that he had seemed to manifest out of nothing!

The ability to steal other abilities. At this point, he can only steal up to two abilities. This was shown when he had.. Sort of hard to explain, but a 'son' called Alfreo Ramuri, who could steal abilities. With this power, it's unpredictable how flexible he could be. I need to be sure to find out what kind of abilities they are as soon as possible.

And his most notable ability: Chronostasis. In under a second, he could instantly make seconds feel longer than they usually are. Everything is vulnerable to him, and no one can move, speak, or think. It's almost as if time itself has stopped.

I know how powerful these abilities are myself, and I swear to my dead bloodline.. that I'll find a way to kill Jukkon and finally end his reign of terror."

"Well.. if you're trying to find out one ability he may have stolen," suggested Ikarus, "It could be Azarthoth's ability to manipulate Space. If he didn't take the role of Azarthoth when killing him, another Law Shift would've occurred. Except it didn't. That's why.. Jukkon must've taken Azarthoth's ability, and claimed the title of Azarthoth himself!"

Will stared at Ikarus before looking back at the sea, "Not bad kid.. If you are right about this, then it should greatly help me when it comes to fighting him. Tell me more about the manipulation of Space, and how Azarthoth had used it."

As Will and Ikarus talked, Kitsune looked over and saw the Ville of Farms nearing. They were almost there.

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