Sirius fell weakly against the door. He was alone, with both of his parents, and scared. He felt his heart pounding in his chest. "I'm going to ask you again, are you proud of yourself.", she asked. Sirius knew that the answer that she wanted was no, he wasn't. But he needed to stand up for himself. "Yes, Mother, I am.", he said. Walburga snarled, "Wrong answer. Crucio!". Sirius screamed in pain, his body writhing on the ground. "Anything else?", he said weakly. Orion marched over, and instinctively, Sirius flinched. He brought his boot down on Sirius' nose, spurting blood everywhere. "Orion, my floor!", Walburga shrieked. Sirius felt the tip of his nose. Yup, definitely broken. "Crucio!", Walburga cast, again and again. Sirius cried out, hoping someone, anyone, would hear him. But no one did. Sirius lay in a pool of sweat and blood, breathing heavily. He was tired. "Avada Kedavra!", Orion cast, shooting green light from his wand. Sirius moved as fast as he could, rolling out of the way. "Orion.", Walburga gasped. "I wasn't going to hit him.", he laughed. He gaped at his father. "You're a piece of shit, y'know?", Sirius laughed deliriously. "What'd you call me?", Orion growled. "Wanker.", Sirius giggled, blood streaming down his face. Orion grabbed Sirius by the neck. "Say it to my face.", he growled, tightening his grip on Sirius' neck. Sirius was choking, his face turning blue. "Murderer. Traitor. Ugly ass.", Sirius choked. Orion opened the basement door, throwing Sirius and his trunk down the stairs, locking the door. Sirius felt his head hit the last stair as he tumbled down, his trunk tumbling after him. Sirius gasped for air, the marks of his father's hands still on his throat. He felt the back of his head. He winced, pulling his hand away. He was bleeding, badly. He had to get out. 

He stood up, his legs trembling. He leaned against the trunk for support. He felt wind blowing in, and he heard a whisper. "Psst. Sirius.". Sirius looked around. Was he hallucinating? He saw a small figure crouched down. "Regulus!", Sirius whispered. "Siri, I'm so sorry.", Regulus wept. "Shh. I know, I know. I'm so tired, Reg, can I go to sleep?", Sirius asked. "Sirius, go to James. Whatever you do, do NOT go to sleep until you go inside. You can't die, you just can't.", Regulus said sternly. Sirius' legs were trembling. "Reg, come with me.", Sirius pleaded. "I can't. I'm sorry.", Regulus said, a tear falling down his face. Sirius protested, but knew it was no use. The two brothers hugged, and Sirius left the Black house. 

Sirius felt dizzy, but he knew Reg was right. He had to get to the Potters. He pulled out James' letter, looking for the address. After walking a long time, he found it. "James.", he whispered. Sirius felt his eyes getting heavy. He felt the whole world spinning. "Sorry, Reg, I can't stay awake.", he whispered, and everything went black.

James Potter woke up at midnight, looking for a letter from Sirius. Nothing. He looked out of the window, for any owls, but nothing prepared him for the sight he was about to see. He saw Sirius' crumpled form, slumped over the suitcase. There was blood. Everywhere. "Sirius.", he gasped, running down the stairs so fast he tripped over his feet. His parents were inside, watching a movie. "James, what's wrong?", Mrs. Potter asked concernedly. James was already outside, running as fast as his feet would carry him. He ran to Sirius, gasping. Sirius had bruises and cuts all over his body, his nose was broken, the bone sticking out, and there was dried blood all over his face. His long locks were matted with blood. No, Sirius, come on.", James yelled, shaking him. Mr. and Mrs. Potter were beside him in an instant. They apparated to Mungos.

They were in the hospital waiting room, when the mediwitch came. "Can we see him?", James pleaded. "Sorry, no visitors yet.", she apologized. "Is he gonna be okay?", James asked. "I don't know.", his dad said. Remus and Peter burst in the hospital, looking worried. James waved them over, making space. "Is he okay?", Remus asked. James fell into Remus' shoulder, crying. "I- I thought he was dead, Moony.", James cried, "It was the scariest moment of my life. I thought I lost him.". Remus comforted James, patting him on the back. "His parents did this, didn't they?", Peter asked, breaking the silence. James nodded gravely. "He can't go back there. He just can't.", he stated. 

The mediwitch walked by, nodding at the three boys and James' parents. "You can see him. He's not awake, but you can see him.". The three boys stood up, opening the doors to Sirius' room. They pulled up the chairs, sitting next to him. Sirius looked better, but worse at the same time. His eyes were sunken and waxy, and his head was propped up and bandaged. The mediwitch walked in. "Episkey.", she cast, and there was a loud cracking of bones. His eyes were closed, and he looked peaceful. "Thank goodness you found him when you did, if you hadn't he'd be dead.", the witch said. "So he's gonna be okay?", Peter asked. "Hopefully.", she responded. "Watch his heart rate, make sure it's stable.", she said to the other wizard. The three boys stayed by his side, in case he woke up, just talking to him. Sirius suddenly let out a groan of pain. "He's awake!", James shouted, getting the nurses attention. "No! Stop it, mother, please!", Sirius cried, tears streaming down his face. "Sirius, you're okay!", Peter said. Sirius opened his eyes. "Where am I?", he asked weakly. 

end of flashback.

The boys ran up the stairs, throwing the door open. Remus was the first one to get to him, crouching down beside him. "Sirius? Can you hear me?", he asked softly. Sirius' usually bright eyes were dull. "Remus?", he asked weakly. "Yeah, Pads. I'm here.", Remus whispered. Sirius clung on to Remus like a lifeline. Remus looked around, unsure of what to do. Sirius was clearly exhausted, but they had to get him to Pomfrey. Remus stood up, picking Sirius up effortlessly. "I can do it.", Jack said, holding out his hands. "I got it.", Remus growled. They walked to Pomfrey in silence. James read the letter. 


I need you to sign these documents. They legally separate you from this family, thank goodness. You are not to have any contact with your brother. Good riddance, he said. You're worthless, you know?  I know I raised you better than this. No one will miss you in this house. Your inheritance has also been taken away, and this is the last time I am contacting you.


Walburga Black 

James ripped up the letter, tearing it into shreds, as they approached. Pomfrey stepped out, and Remus set Sirius down on the bed. "What's the matter?", she asked. "I got a letter from my mum, and I was being a baby over it. That's all.", Sirius said weakly. "Tell me the truth, Mr. Black.". "I sort of felt like- I couldn't breathe. I was choking, and I couldn't think clearly. All I could hear were my own thoughts.", Sirius explained. "Mr. Black, you had a panic attack.", Pomfrey sighed. "Well, fix me then.", Sirius stated. "I'm sorry, Mr. Black, I can't fix this.", she apologized. "But I can give you some tips.", she said, handing him a list, and ushering him off to the dorms.

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