Sure Bud

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Parker’s Pov.
I walked into the elementary school on monday. A couple people stopping me and giving their condolences for Monica. I walked into the BeeHive, which was the place for the special needs kids to learn. 

“Hi Parker!” Ashton exclaimed, running up to me and pulling me into a hug.

“Hey buddy” I smiled, pulling him into a one armed hug “How was your weekend?”

“Good, we went to a lake, and I swam for 5 minutes!” he exclaimed “And, I made you this”

Ashton reached into his backpack, handing me a card that read ‘Im sory Parkr’. Aw, this is so adorable.

“Mrs. Owens said your mommy died last week, and that you broke your arm. I’m sorry” he mumbled.

“Aw, it’s really sweet kiddo, thank you” I smiled pulling him into another hug “Okay, so english or spanish first? You’re almost done for the year Ash”

“Can we do math? Then spanish, and then english after we go outside?” Ashton asked.

I was taken back in slight shock. Ashton hated math, and hated going outside, and he was never this into doing his school. I’m proud of him.

“Sure bud” I smiled.

Wow. I am really proud of this kid.


It was nearly summer! Fucking hell yes! However… we were all woken up early by Carl’s trumpet alarm. Ah!!

“Jeez, what the hell time is it?” Ian groaned.

“O 5:30” Carl answered, making Ian hide further in bed.

I groaned, deciding to get up, and pulled on as usual, some cargo pants to go along with the old shirt, it was cold, but nothing else fit over the cast.

“You gotta use that alarm?” I asked, rubbing the sleep out of my eyes.

“Staying on military time, can’t get soft over the summer” he explained walking into the bathroom and Lip trudged out of his room.

“Fuck” I yawned, heading downstairs.

If he does this all summer I’m gonna kill him.


After work I went down to the kids shelter, helping them out a bit with Ian. I always enjoyed helping out the kids, making sure they had as good an upbringing as possible. I wanted them to feel cared for, Ian says I wanna be everyone’s mom or big sister. Maybe I did, I dunno.

“Three for you, hey Susie” I smiled, handing out… well, condoms “Alright how many you want Jamie?” I chuckled.

“Ten” he answered.

“Well, you can have as many as you want, as long as you aren’t back working that corner” I scolded.

“Nah I, got a new boyfriend” he nodded, I saw the boy standing behind him.

“Hey” the guy nodded.

“Maybe I should take 20” Jamie smirked.

“Hey, don't get greedy alright?” I smirked back.

“Hey” a familiar voice greeted.

“Hey Trev” I smiled, relatively awkwardly.

“The city giving you free condoms to distribute now Ian?” Trevor asked.

“Nope Parker buys em herself, she’s gonna go broke trying to sheathe South Side Chicago’s teenage libido in lubricated latex” Sue spoke up from the ambulance.

“No, I shoplift 'em mostly” I smirked.

The kids all chuckled.

“No she doesn’t” Trevor corrected.

“Hey I’m heading to happy hour at Jeffrey’s, you busy?” I asked.

“I have a date” Trevor cringed.

“Bring em” I smiled.

“I can’t, it’s drinks and a movie” he sighed.

“Oh, cool uh, what are ya gonna see?” I asked.

“Don’t know yet” Trevor shook his head.

“Lots of good movies out now” I nodded awkwardly, jeez this is nuts.

“Alright, let’s go cowboy that’s us” Sue spoke up, after the radio stopped.

“Gotta go, you good to walk home Park?” Ian asked.

“Go save the world” I smiled. Ian chuckled, kissing me on the forehead before driving off.

“Sorry it won’t work out today Park” Trev sighed.

“No worries” I nodded “Hey, get back to saving the world too, they need you” I smiled before walking off.

Lots of good movies out now? What the fuck is wrong with me?

Trevor’s Pov.
I watched Parker walk away with a smile. God she’s perfect, she is absolutely- no. Stop Trevor. Just stop.

“You were tapping that, and you let it go?” Jamie asked, walking up to me.

“It got complicated” I mumbled.

“Why? Because she fucked an old boyfriend?” Jamie questioned “ Look I know you’re Bi and from what I’ve heard about Parker Gallagher, is she basically makes you gay. If gays weren’t aloud to fuck other guys, we’d be straight. Grow up dude”

Well fuck, me.


Idk why I like the plot point that dating Parker makes someone gay, I just do, lol.

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