What's That Mumbles?

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Mickeys Pov.
The next morning I woke up, smiling at the tiny redhead in my arms. How’d I get so fucking lucky? I ran a hand through her short hair before pulling on some clothes, walking out into the living room to find a smoke.

“So you are Gallagher boy now?” Svet asked.

“The fuck you do to your hair?” I asked, she dyed it orange.

“You wear pink sweatshirts and stink of men perfume now?” she asked.

“The fuck- I’m not fucking gay. Besides I look shitty in pink” I grumbled.

“You like the orange hair yes?” Svetlana questioned walking over.

“Not when it’s on your fugly ass head” I groaned.

“You love her?” She asked.

“Maybe, I dunno!” I exclaimed “Yeah” I sighed.

“I hate the penis” she cringed “Ugly, fucking skin stick. Always trying to get in where it doesn’t belong. You like tom boy, maybe I like girls?” What? How the fuck does that add up? “No penis is staring at you hoping to explode like sticky volcano. America it’s land of choices, yes? ” She asked, handing me a coffee “Freedom to be me, freedom to be you. McDonalds, Burger King on same block. You chose, one both. Shit maybe we go to Wendys instead” she shrugged.

“Hold- You’re a lesbian?” I asked, I am so fucking confused.

“Morning” Mandy walked by.

Svetlan gave me an evil smirk. Oh I think the fuck not.

“Maybe yes, maybe no. Choice... Nika from tug shop, she wants to help to take care of me”

“The blonde with the lazy eye?” I questioned.

“She plays trumpet. Strong tongue” Svet smirked as she walked over to the crying baby. Shit this bitch is weird “But baby no choose. Baby is me and baby is you, he has no vote. No America. We must take care of him, not just me” she carried the baby back over “Otherwise I wait until you sleep, and I stab you and orange girl in the heart with screwdrivers and I watch you bleed, until you die. No more bullshit about baby” she finished, handing me the baby “You help! And Nika comes here to live”

With that she walked off.



It was later that day. I walked into my room to see… Parker’s still asleep?

“Hey man it’s noon. Rise and fucking shine Cinderella” I exclaimed, opening the curtains “I’m heading to Tommys to get a dog, Mandy said she’d watch the baby meat for a while” 

I looked back at Parker. She just hid further under the blankets. What the hell’s going on with her?

“Yo, sleepy face! Get your ass up Park, time to roll” I exclaimed.

She mumbled something, I couldn’t hear here.

“What’s that mumbles?” I smirked “Come on get up. I’m buying” I laid beside her. Still nothing! Shit maybe something’s actually wrong “Hey, hey you okay? Feeling sick or something?” I asked.

“Leave me alone” she groaned.

“All right you want me to bring you back something to eat?” I questioned.

“Go away Mickey” she groaned again.

“Alright bitch go fuck yourself, sleep all day, see if I care” I sighed, getting up.

“She okay?” Mandy asked me.

“Who the fuck knows?” I shrugged.

What the fuck is up with her? 


I decided to go to the Alibi after I bought lunch.

“Hey” I greeted Kevin as I walked in.

“Hey” Tommy greeted.

“Hey, how ya doin Mickey?” Kev asked.

“How’s business upstairs?” I asked.

“Slow, ya know It’s cold out” he reasoned.

Everyone was looking at me weird. Of course since my scene at Yevs party, everyone knows I’m dating Parker now.

“How’s business downstairs Mick?” Tommy asked.

I fucking swear.

“That a fucking sex joke?” I growled.

“I dunno, was it funny?” he questioned.

“No it wasn’t funny” I shook my head.

“Then no, it wasn’t a sex joke” he shrugged.

I can’t believe this.

“Hey if anybody’s got something to say fucking say it!” I shouted to everyone in the bar.

Everyone just stared at me, no one said anything.

“Mickey, have a seat man” Kev smiled at me “No one gives a shit who you bang, and Parker’s an amazing kid. Let me buy you a beer” he poured me a beer, I sat down “To Parker Gallagher” Kev toasted “For finally finding somebody she likes”

“To Parker!” Everyone else toasted.

Well shit. Didn’t expect that.


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