Hey Guys

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Parker’s Pov.
I woke up in Ian and Carl's arms, Liam at the foot of the bed. I smiled, all we need is Lip and it’s just like old times. I got up first, having a quick shower and getting dressed. I walked downstairs, seeing Fiona, Ian and Carl already there.

“Sleep here last night?” I asked.

“Yeah” she sighed, obviously tired.

“What are you writing?” Ian asked, handing me my pills.

“Letter to Seans ex wife” she groaned.

“Oof, how come?” Ian asked, pouring myself a coffee.

“Ask Carl” she growled.

I chuckled, I already did. Ian stole my coffee from me, handing it to Fiona. I groaned, but Carl tossed me a bottle of gatorade, and I downed my pills. 

“Carl, why is Fiona writing a letter to Sean’s ex wife?” Ian asked.

“I don’t wanna talk about it,” he mumbled.

“Okay, great. I’ll stand here and drink my coffee in silence” Ian nodded sarcastically. I chuckled, jumping onto the counter and whispering what happened “Ah” he nodded.

Suddenly Debbie came downstairs with a suitcase.

“Where are ya goin Debs?” I asked.

“To the commune with Queenie” she told us.

“Except you’re not cause you have school, remember?” Fiona reminded.

“I need a supportive environment. Not gonna get it here” Debbie grumbled.

“So that’s it for highschool huh?” Fi scoffed.

“Fiona, not helpful” I sighed.

“Pregnant, drop out at 15. Well played” she ignored me.

“Don’t pretend you care,” Debbie growled.

“You gotta graduate Debs,” Ian sighed.

“Have you heard of unschooling? It’s a widely recognized form of education” she explained.

“By who?” Ian asked.

“Queenie says it’s when you get knowledge from life instead of books” Debbie explained “Like making spaghetti. When you measure water, pasta, salt. That’s math”

“No, that’s pathetic” Fiona exclaimed.

“If I’m desperate I can just get my GED. You know, like you did” Debbie countered.

“Hey guys” I called after them.

I felt tired, like… uh oh. I took my rozerem. Shit.

“Like boiling pasta” I heard Ian smirk.

“Ian!” I called, what is up with me?

I looked at the pills I took. Rozerem, Zebeta, Paxil… oh no, one of those sedative things that make me really fuzzy. Shit. I haven’t taken one of those in months.

“Ta-ta” the door closed.

“Shit” I groaned, collapsing to my knees from dizziness and puking up... well basically gatorade, my pills and diner last night.

“Shit Parker” Carl jumped up, helping me up.

“Fuck, what happened?” Ian asked as him and Fiona hurried over.

“What did you take?” Fiona asked.

“Paxil, Zebeta… Rozerem and a sedative pill” I groaned.

“Parker” Fiona barked.

“I wasn’t paying attention!” I shouted.

“No shit!” she yelled back.

“Fiona stop! Take it easy. Come on let’s go upstairs, you can sleep it off” Ian and Carl helped me upstairs.

“Come here Park” Carl helped me into bed

“Of all the bad luck in this house, you may just have the worst” Ian sighed.

“Can one of you stay? Till I wake up” I asked “I don’t know what’ll happen if I’m alone when I get up”

“You bet sis” Carl nodded.

“We’ll be here short stack” Ian nodded.

I’m so glad I have these two.


Uplaoding two more chapters cause I know everyone want to get back to Mickey. I wanna know if you guys actually wanna see Parker and Trevor together, or if you just want me to skip ahead. Let me know. Also what the hell??? 6k reads!!! I have no words, I don't deserve this, thank you guys so so much.

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