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Parker’s Pov.
I was in the hallway with Debbie while she rummaged through the closet.

“You’re gonna carry a bag of flour around all day?” I asked.

“If that’s what it takes to prove it to Fiona that I’m my own person, yes” Debbie nodded.

“Well good luck with that. She’s a total control freak lately” I sighed.

“Tell me about it” Debs sighed.

“Acting like she’s our mom” I listed.

“It’s my body I can do what I want” Debs exclaimed.

“Yeah” I nodded “I’m getting it from all sides. Seems like everyone’s jamming meds down my throat” I mumbled. 

I don’t think she heard me.

“Found em” she smiled.

“Baby clothes?” I questioned.

“Gotta dress Desiree, don’t I?” she asked. She’s named the bag of flour? “Look what she’s sending me” she scoffed.

It was a text that said ‘75% of teenage moms never find a spouse #BestToAbort’ what the fuck Fiona.

“Delete that shit” I groaned.

Sometimes she can be way, way too controlling.


I ran down the street. I was late for work, again. I barreled into the Patsys, passing Sean as he seemed to be leaving.

“You’re late” he pointed out.

I sighed, putting my stuff away and punching in.

“Hey” I greeted Ian who helped me put my stuff away.

“He’s gonna fire your ass if you keep showing up late” Fiona barked.

“I was helping out Debbie” I sighed, going to grab my apron.

“Well, good did you tell her that she can’t have a baby?” Fiona asked.

“No” I mumbled.

“Why not?” Fiona asked.

“It’s none of my business” I shrugged.

“Of course it is. We can’t afford another kid” Fiona sighed.

“More water on 23 and a couple of forks on 15 Short stack” Ian told me, coming back in.

Lunch rush.

“Got it Ian” I nodded.

“She’s gonna ruin her life” Fiona kept going.

“You don’t know that” I shook my head.

“We need to be a united family front Park” Fiona ranted.

“You can’t tell somebody what to do with their body Fiona” I barked.

“And what about the alley! If you didn’t-

“That abortion was my desition because I got raped! That is so different, I can’t believe you would compare those two things! I wanted it… Debbie doesn’t” I was pissed.

“Parker calm down” Ian ran up to me.

“Park take a smoke break, I got your tables” Melinda gave me a small comforting smile.

I nodded.

“Parker no, yo-

“Fiona stop it” Ian barked “I’ll be out in a second short stack, it’s almost my break”

I nodded sadly and walked outside. I was so mad! Why the hell would she bring that up! How could she dare to bring that up!


I sat at a table with Marcas, eating some pie on my small break. I’d been working nonstop, and Fiona’s been on my back the entire time.

“What are you guys doing?” Fiona asked.

“Sorry Ms. Fiona. Parker said it was okay” Marcas stated.

“You’re just gonna sit there?” Fiona questioned.

Marcas was quick to get up and back to work.

“I can’t take a break?” I asked.

“Did you pay for that pie?” Fi asked me.

“Did you clock out when you were smoking with V?” I asked.

“Did you clock out when you went on a smoke break?” Fiona countered.

“Yes, yes I did” I shot back.

“Whatever. I’m the assistant manager” she reminded me.

“Keep reminding us” I pleaded fakely.

“What’s with the attitude?” Fiona asked.

“Look you’re on my ass 24/7. At home ‘did you take your meds?’ at work ‘you’re late, pick up the pace’ it gets old” I ranted.

“How bout some gratitude for the job I got you?”

“Gratitude for what?” I spat “Sloshing through fry muck all day? Having people snap their fingers at me? Listening to my bitchy sister boss me around” I ranted, walking back to the kitchen.

“If you don’t like it, leave” Fiona growled.

“Fine!” I shouted.

“Fine” she shouted back.

“I will”

“Fine” she nodded.

“I don’t need this shit” I growled.

I took off my apron and grabbed my jacket.

“Really? Really? You’re just gonna leave like that?” Fiona called after me “Good!”

“Good!” I yelled.

“Go!” she yelled at me.

I ran out of the house and all the way home. What’s happening to me? It feels like I’m losing everyone.

“Parker?” Ian asked, coming outside from the house.

Right. He left work early. I didn't say anything. I just ran up the stairs, being trapped in his arms. 

“Whoa. Hey it’s okay” he shushed me.

I swear if I lose Ian I’m gonna set a fucking building on fire. 


Mega late update, yall will see this tommorow, sorry. Summer jobs a bitch, I'm surprised I'm awake. Lov you all<3<3

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