You Hear Me?

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Parker’s Pov.
Once we got home Ian tried to take me upstairs but Sammi noticed us.

“Oh god, what happened to your hand?” Sammi asked, genuinely concerned, I think.

“Uh, burned myself” I told her.

“Hold on” Sammi stopped us, going to get the first aid kit.

“Sammi we don’t-

“That’s our lamp” I cut Ian off, noticing the lamp in the box on our couch.

“It’s ugly and no one uses it” Sammi recalled “Come here” she beckoned.

“Sammi I ca-

“Come on. I’m not gonna bite” she cut Ian off.

“Ian, go have a shower” I nodded to him with a tiny smile.

He sighed, but nodded, kissing me on the top of my head before walking up stairs. I walked over to the table and sat beside Sammi. Honestly, I was too drained to hurt her right now.

“Did you run it under cold water?” she asked.

“Yeah, Ian did” I nodded.

“Good” she nodded as well “Cause there’s no water- Oooh, gonna have a nice fat scar”

“It’ll match the one I got with Ian” I chuckled, holding up my other hand.

“How’d you get that one?” Sammi asked.

“Tried to hotwire a helicopter, burned myself on the starter” I sighed.

“You can hotwire a helicopter?” Sammi questioned.

“Not very good apparently” I sighed “Got caught trying to steal government property and that’s why the MPs are after Ian and me, well. That and I went awol, and Ian enlisted under a false identity, and probably other stuff”

“Wow, pretty hardcore” Sammi sighed.

“No just, mentally ill” I smirked “Thanks for helping me Sammi. I’m gonna go take a nap” I sighed walking up the stairs.

When I got to the top I saw Ian standing there. I ran up to him slamming him into a hug.

“I’m so sorry” I mumbled “I’m sorry”

“Hey, hey for what?” ian asked, kneeling down to my height.

“For having all this happen to me, for making everyone’s life difficult” I groaned, wanting to cry.

“Hey, look at me” Ian held my face like a china doll “No one is mad at you, okay? It’s not your fault, it’s Frank and Monica’s, they raised us, she gave birth to us, none of this is your fault, you hear me?”

I nodded, my breath was shaky. Ian sighed pulling me back into a hug, what would I do without him?


I sat in my bed for a while, but I couldn’t sleep.

“Damn it!” Dad yelled from the hallway “The one day all year I gotta shower, the water’s off” he ranted, walking into the room “Give me your deodorant”

“Ran out” I deadpanned.

“Well of course you did, why would anyone in this house make things easy on me?” he ranted, grabbing some if Ian's body spray “It’s no substitute for cleanliness but this will have to do”

“Good grief” I groaned, looking away from my naked father.

“I may have to scrub my junk at the Citgo, wish me luck” dad went to leave.

“Daddy wait” I stopped him.

He turned around, looking at me weirdly.

“What do you want?” he asked.

I took a deep breath, here goes nothing.

“Why’d you do it?” I asked, he looked so confused “At the bar, why’d you tell everyone those things about me? That I was a whore, and that I would, fuck anything that breathes!” I started to rant “Why!? What did I ever do to you to make you want to do that to me!”

He sighed, sitting on Carl's desk chair.

“I honestly don’t know Park, I was probably shit faced”

“Well you ruined my life” I was so close to crying “You made my life a living hell! You made it so that the father, of the one man I’ve ever loved wants me dead! It’s all your fault! Your fucking fault!” I screamed. He actually looked guilty for once “I hope you’re proud, that’s all” I sighed sitting back down on the bed “I love you daddy”

“I love you too Parker” Dad said back to me.

With that he got up and went to leave, but someone stopped him.

“Hope you’re happy” I heard Ian mumble.

Frank feleftlt the upstairs as Ian walked over to the bed. He didn’t say anything, he just sat there and held me. I didn’t cry, but it probably sounded like it. I just sat there, comforted by Ian’s presence. I don’t know what I’d do without him.

“Oh right, Mickey’s downstairs with more pills” Ian remembered why he came upstairs.

“Kay” I nodded, getting up and walking downstairs.

Wait, I have an idea! 

“Hey” he greeted “I didn’t know which B’s to get so I just got all the fucking B’s” he motioned to the large amount of pills “I got B-complex, super B-complex, B-12, B-6- Whoa, what the hell happened to you hand?” I didn’t answer, I just looked around the kitchen for stuff “What are ya doin?”

“We’re going out” I told him.

“Did a doctor take care of that?” Mickey asked

“Come on Mickey” I sighed, not wanting to talk about it.

“You can’t anywhere unless you get that looked at man come on” Mickey sighed.

“Okay, listen… Either you can stay here and, jerk off into your vitamins, or you can come with me” I smiled, grabbing some drinks and walking to the front door “It’s your call”

Oh I hope this is going to be enjoyable. I really wanna do something nice for Mickey.


I'm excited for the next chapter!!!

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