Can Get Worse

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Carl's Pov.
I walked into the Milkovich house, maybe Mickey's heard something about Parker.

"What the hell are you doing here?" Mickey asks me.

"I was running an errand down the block for work, thought you might have heard something from Parker" I explained.

Parker’s my favorite sister. She’s the funniest and most like me. She’s also the kindest and most considerate and easy going. I missed her a lot when she left, now she’s gone again.

"No" Mickey hadn't heard from Parker.

"Whoa a Beretta PX4 storm!" I saw the gun on the coffee table.

"Don't touch it!" Mickey called from the fridge. 

I sat down on the coffee table, honest if I think about it. Mickey and Parker are a good match, plus, you can totally tell they love each other.

"So, nothing from Parker?" I asked again.

"What the fuck do you think?" Mickey sighed.

"Saw it a couple times with my mom Monica" I explained "kinda scary, weird stuff. She climbed to the top of our roof, and thought she was a bird"

"She jump?" Mickey asked.

"No. The fireman came and got her down" I told him.

We sat in silence for a bit. Mickey was obviously nervous, but he tried to hide it.

“You want a beer?" Mickey asked, after seeing he didn’t have a smoke.

"Sure" I shrugged.

I grabbed one off the table and cracked it open.

"You got any weed? Heard you were working a corner" Mickey asked.

"Smoking the product is bad business, eats into profits" I sighed.

"Good thinking kid" Mickey chuckled "You might just make it out there. Not a white man's game anymore though"

Mickey chugged the rest of his beer, before crushing it and tossing it... close to the garbage can.

"Two points" he shrugged.

Mickey's phone went off as I got close to finishing my beer.

"Yeah... Yeah... Okay" Mickey hung up the phone "cops got Parker and the baby” he exclaimed “Where the fuck's Terre Haute?" Mickey asked.

God I hope we find her, and that she’s okay. I would hate everything if we lost her.


Mickey’s Pov.
We got picked up by Lip. We’re all in a car on the way to the cops station.

“Fuck” Lip mumbled, hanging up his phone.

“Fiona?” Debbie asked.

“I’m just getting her voice mail” he sighed.

“You want me to try texting her again?” Debbie asked

“Can’t hurt” Lip sighed.

“I’m sorry. I should’ve listened to you” I sighed.

“Yeah you should’ve” Lip nodded.

“Lip” Ian scolded.

“I didn’t know things could get this bad” I sighed.

“Can get worse” Lip assured “Get much worse”

“Not helpful Lip” Ian sighed.

“Well what is helpful!” Lip yelled “Any of you wanna lose Parker? Huh? Cause I sure as hell don’t! I don’t know what the fuck I’d do with out her” Lip started to cry.

“Lip relax, we’re not losing her” Debbie assured.

“She may be bipolar, but she’s never been anything like Monica, Monica was crazy before she was bipolar” Ian sighed “We aren’t losing her” he assured.

Fuck this family’s amazing. How much they all love each other. It’s insane. 


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