Bi- Bi What?

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Mickey’s Pov.
Parker’s been in bed for two days now. She won’t eat anything, and I’m starting to get worried about her. I asked Debbie and Carl if they knew what was going on. They said they did. Now Fiona and Ian are over here, trying to get her out of bed.

“You wanna get out? I’ll make you a sandwich” Fiona offered.

“Or I could get my sneakers in the house, we could go for a run at the track?” Ian also offered “You wanna go for a run? Get some fresh air?” 

“What do ya say?” Fiona asked. She didn’t say anything “Okay, okay” she sighed as they both walked away from the bed.

“How long has she been like that?” Ian asked as we walked into the living room.

“Since yesterday morning” I told him.

“And she hasn’t gotten out of bed?” Fiona asked.

“No she’s just sleeping I can't get her up I tried” I explained.

“Yeah, so did I,” Mandy added.

“Did she take too many Rozerem or something?” Debbie asked.

“No, she’s been taking the right amount” I confirmed.

Parker takes meds or her insomnia, but she’s been taking just as many as she usually does.

“What about before, what was she like?” Fiona asked.

“Before she was fine, she was happy. She’s staying up all hours of the night even on her meds, dancing and telling fucking jokes way more then usual. She kicks my ass every day I can’t keep up with her” I sighed.

“We gotta get a hold of Lip, he should know” Fiona told Debbie.

“Know what? What’s wrong with her?” I asked.

“Uh… depression, I think?” Fiona sighed.

“She’s depressed?” I questioned “What do you mean she’s depr- everyone gets fucking depressed, how the fuck can we not living around here?” I asked.

“It’s not that kind of depressed, okay?” Fiona sighed again “Look, I could be wrong but… It could be, bipolar disease, like our mom”

“Bi- Bi what? What the fuck is that?” I exclaimed.

“It’s manic depression Mick” Mandy told me.

“Like high highs, followed by low lows, over and over again” Fiona explained “Well get her an appointment at the clinic and we’ll see what they say”

“No no look, if she’s low, we cheer her up” I exclaimed.

“It’s not like that, she may have to be hospitalized” Fiona explained.

“What do you mean li- like a psych ward?” I scoffed “No fucking way! No fucking way! She’s staying here!” I yelled.

“She could end up suicidal!” Ian exclaimed.

“Then we hide the knives until she perks up, I can- I can take care of her okay, let-let me take care of her until she’s better” I tried.

“I-I could be weeks. It’s mood swings okay? It’s almost impossible to handle-

“Don’t fucking tell me what’s impossible!” I yelled “We’re taking care of her here. You, me, us, her fucking family” I sighed.

I walked into the kitchen. That girl goes through enough already, why this!? Why’d she have to get stuck with this too!

“I have to get to a meeting, okay? We’ll call Lip, tell him what’s going on, okay? Come on” Fion started to lead the kids out.

“She’s not going to some fucking nut house. You hear me?” I warned “She stays here, she’s staying with me”

I took a sip of my beer. Fuck what have I gotten myself into?


Okay! Let it be known that this book is now dedicated to amberhumphrey2013 Thank you so much for enjoying my book and keeping me motivated to write it<3<3<3 Your support is so appreciated, and I hope you enjoy the many chapters to come! Also everyone please comment, it keeps me motivated! Thanks bye<3

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