I Love How He Smells

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Parkers Pov.
So Dad got married to Sheila! While... he was still in the hospital, so that's fucking awesome. I mean good for him, but I'm not sure why Sheila wants to marry him.

I watched Mickey sleep as I did pull ups in the doorway. I was actually really strong for my height and weight. Carl woke up and saw Mickey sleeping in mine and Ians bed before he walked up to me.

"Mickey your boyfriend?" Carl asked me.

"We hangout" I shrugged off.

I really didn't know how to explain us at this point.

"He sleeps in your bed" Carl pointed out.

"Yeah his family's a nightmare" I sighed

"Think I got a girlfriend" Carl smiled.

"Oh yeah?" I smirked, jumping down to the floor.

"Yeah her family's a nightmare too" Carl told me.

"Who's isn't?" I grumbled.

"You love Mickey?" Carl asked.

I thought about it. Hell yeah I do, but I can't say it. I don't even know if he loves me.

"I love how he smells" I smiled.

"What you asking stupid fucking questions for?" Mickey asked, waking up and going to the can.

"You were nicer when you're asleep" Carl groaned "Frank survived his liver transplant incase you were wondering"

"Good to know" I smiled.

"I gotta go to the church for the christening thing today" Mickey told me as I walked into the bathroom.

"Thought you didn't care," I recalled.

"I don't" Mickey shrugged.

"Why you going then?" I asked.

"It's my son man" He sighed.

Don't fucking remind me.

"Alright! I'll get dressed" I smiled walking into the bedroom and taking my shirt off, leaving me in black cargo pants and a purple bra.

"Hey, no no look. It's fine, I'll head over by myself I'll be back in a couple hours" Mickey told me.

"What you don't want me to go?" I smirked, pinning him against the wall.

Mickey chuckled. I'm so fucking short and I was trying to be tough. He easily grabbed my wrists, pinning me against the opposite wall.

"Probably best if you don't tough guy" He smirked.

"Yeah for you maybe" I sighed

"Why you bustin my balls Park?" Mickey sighed, letting go of me.

I followed him into my room, pulling him to look at me.

"Just wondering, if we're a couple or not" I told him.

Mickey sighed before throwing me onto my bed, making my eyes widen as he straddled me. Jeez he's so fucking hot.

"Of course we are" he slightly smiled.

"A couple that hides?" I mumbled.

"Hey it's working out so far so good" Mickey exclaimed.

"Kinda getting sick of it" I sighed.

"Holy fuck man" Mickey sighed, getting off of me "Why don't you go let me deal with that stupid shit before I deal with your stupid shit" he sighed.

With that he walked out of the room. Of course I didn't listen and I went to the christening anyways, Terry got out of jail and he came, fuck. Now I'm going to a party at the Alibi with some of the Milkoviches and Terry's buddies. Double fuck.


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