Fuck You Too Milkovich

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Parker’s Pov.
The next day we’d made it to the border. I was nervous for Mickey. I wasn’t even thinking about myself, only Mickey. I sat on the hood of the car, feet propped up, smoking a cig.

“Just play it cool. We’re going on vacation” Mickey explained, looking at himself in the side mirror “Fuck, you see my stubble?” I looked back to see Mickey in the black floral get up and heels. He actually looks kinda hot in it “If they stop us my name’s still Mickey. Chicks are called Mickey right?”

“Babe my name’s Parker, don’t… ask me” I sighed, the situation sinking in more.

This is crazy! 

“Alright. You’re driving” I didn’t move “What’s the matter with you?” Mickey asked, walking up to me “Let’s go”

“I can’t” I sighed.

“You can” Mickey assured “Get behind the wheel, drive the damn car” I took another stressed deep breath, running a hand through my hair “Hey we’re one step from the finish line” I reached into my pocket, taking out my money “What the fuck is that? I don’t want you fucking money. I want you to come with me” 

I walked back to the car, putting the money on the dash and grabbing my jacket.

“Don’t do this” Mickey nearly whimpered.

Oh shit, shit shit.

“I love you” I assured.

“Then get in the fucking car” Mickey’s voice became shaky.

“It’s not- This isn’t me! Mickey I don’t remember when it was” My voice became as shaky as Mickeys “... I’m sorry”

“This is it huh?” Mickey questioned.

“Don’t, say that” I sighed, reaching to hold his face but he dodged away.

“Why the fuck not?” he growled.

“Cause that’s what you said when I broke up with you! Then you ended up in jail which is why we’re here right now, and having this problem and it’s all my fucking faul-

I was cut off by Mickey pulling my lips to his, trapping me in the softest, most loving kiss he’s ever given me. I was trying hard not to cry. His hands were held softly but securely on my hips, as mine lifted to cup his neck. I don’t wanna leave him, not again. Not for what seems like the billionth time. The kiss got a little faster as his hands lifted up to cup my face. Fucking hell! Mickey pulled away, slapping my cheek lightly and backing away.

“Fuck you Gallagher” he nodded, getting into the car, and pulling on that shit awful wig.

He started the car and I watched him drive away, hands shaking as he approached the inspection. But he made it, safely over the border line. I sighed, a small smile of relief.

“Fuck you too Milkovich” I nodded, allowing a single tear to drip down my cheek, even letting it fall of my face.

Fuck you. In Southside couples language means

I love you.


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