Died Your Hair

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Parker’s Pov.

I was woken up by Ian shaking me awake.

“What the hell Ian?” I groaned.

“Can you function?” he asked.

“Yeah in the two seconds I’ve been awake I feel much better” I groaned sarcastically “What time is it?” I noticed it was dark out now.

“You gotta drive us somewhere” he told me, getting me up and handing me my jacket.

What? Doesn’t Ian doesn’t have a regular licence.

“What? Why?” I asked, pulling on the clothes I was handed.

“Mandy’s back. She’s in trouble” Ian finally told me.

“Wait. What?” 

Mandy’s back? Holy shit!


I followed Ian into the motel, and up to the room.

“Mandy” he pounded on the door quietly.

“Who is it?” she called back.

“It’s me,” Ian answered.

“Come in quick” she rushed

“You alright?” I asked, walking after Ian.

“Well I did some crank, don’t ask me why cause I fucking hate that shit” she sighed.

“Is that why you called?” I asked.

“Cause I did crank?” she asked in shock.

“Well?” Ian wanted an answer.

“No that, that’s why” she pointed to the bathroom.

Ian and I walked in to see. Oh shit, a dead guy.

“Holy shit, who is he?” Ian asked.

“Ian I’m gonna puke” I groaned.

I bent over the sink, Ian rubbed my back softly.

“He said his name’s Andy, who knows?” Mandy answered him “Don’t worry about him, he’s dead” Mandy reminded him as Ian went to check his pulse.

I puked into the sink again. I remembered seeing Nick’s victim, no more dead bodies. For the love of God no more dead bodies.

“What happened?” Ian asked. She didn’t answer “Mandy what happened?” he demanded.

“I’ve got blood on this dress. I’ve worn it like, twice” she exclaimed.

“Mandy!” I barked.

“I met him through my service,” she told us.


“What service?” Ian asked, he did not sound happy.

“Escort” she told us.

“What the fuck” I sighed.


“Two, three push” Ian and I wrapped the guy up in plastic wrap “Okay good, just one more”

“Yeah” I nodded.

“Okay. One, two, three” we pushed the guy over.

“Shit that bastard’s heavy” I sighed. Ian and I sat there with Mandy. I took a smoke out of my pocket lighting it up, before I looked up at her “Forgot you died your hair” I sighed.

“Yeah, first time it was too light so I had the stylist darken it. Got some highlights, more naturel this way” she told me.

“Look like a real blonde” I smiled.

“Thanks” she smiled.

“Shit” Ian exclaimed “Aren’t there cameras in hotel hallways?”

“We could cover our faces,” Mandy tried.

“No they’ll know we came out of this room” I sighed. Ian and Mandy looked forward, then at each other. No “We are not pushing him out a window”

“Why? It’s only the second floor” Mandy got up, trying to open it “It’s not even concrete down there. It’s just a strip of grass”

“This is insane” I sighed.

“Come on” Mandy grumbled.

We watched for a few minutes as she tried to get him out herself.

“Oh come on, give me a hand. Please” Mandy begged.

I subconsciously stepped forward, but Ian stopped me.

“The window won’t even open all the way” Ian told her “They rig it like that so no one’ll fall out”

“Okay so we’ll take him out in sections” she reasoned with herself “I’ll call my brothers”

The fuck?

“Mandy, Mandy. Hey, stop” I bent down to her level “We gotta call 9-1-1”

“Listen to me” Ian bent down as well, speaking calmly “You don’t tell them you’re an escort. You say that-that you met the guy at a bar, that you brought him back to your room”

“That… that you had rough sex, and the paramedics will get here, they’ll check him out. They’ll see he died of a stroke, and that you called it in” I added calmly.

Mandy tried to speak, but nothing came out. She knew we were right.


Idk who actually reads these, but read the one at the bottom of the last chapter please :D

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