She Under Arrest?

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Mickey’s Pov.
Once we reached the police station I was the first to get in. 

“Excuse me. I got a call about my sister being in here. Prudence Gallagher” Lip asked, trailing in behind me.

Jezz sometimes I forget her name is actually Prudence. Parker suits her better anyway.

“Yeah that’s me I was the arresting officer. Does your sister have a history of mental illness?” the cop asked.

“Yes” Lip nodded 

“She was acting irrationally. Left a baby locked inside of a hot car and then she ran away when we tried to question her” the cop explained.

Holy fuck Park

“Is the baby okay?” I questioned.

“Yeah, he’s sleeping in back. Is the baby your sister’s baby?” the guy asked.

“No, he’s mine” I confirmed

“You’re the father?” the cop asked, I nodded “Who are you in relation to Miss Gallagher?”

“Her partner” I nodded, the guy looked confused “Lover? Family? Ya know?” He nodded.

“When we took Miss Gallagher to the ER they gave her a sedative, seemed to calm her down, but she’s clearly a troubled kid” The cop stated the obvious.

“Is she under arrest?” Ian asked.

“She’ll have to face some charges, but we’re not gonna hold her” thank God “but her car went to impound you won’t be able to get that processed for a couple days and you’ll have to pay the tow charges. You need to get her some help”

“Yes Sir we uh, we know” Lip nodded.

We sat there for a minute or two, then they let Parker out. We all sprang to our feet to see her.

“Hey, hey, you alright munchkin?” Lip asked, pulling her into a hug.

She didn’t say anything, she was out of it from the sedative.

“Hey short stack” Ian sighed, pulling her into a hug as well.

Debbie hugged her next, but looked terrified. I walked up to her, holding her face in my hand before pulling her into a hug. I was gonna cry. I pulled away from her and she walked over to Ian. 

“Yours?” a cop asked, holding Yevgeny. I nodded, taking him from the cop “He’s a cute kid, good sleeper too, got one about his age at home. You’re a lucky man”

“Hey” I sighed to the baby “Yes Sir, thank you”

“You’re welcome” he nodded.

I walked back out holding Yev close to me. Jeez I swore I’d never let her leave again. I can’t lose her again. I’ve lost her too many times. I’m just glad they’re both back now. But shit she needs help, which means she has to go away. I need to get her the right help.

I handed Yev to Debbie and sat in the back beside Ian, who had an asleep Parker on his lap.

“We need to get her committed even if she doesn’t want to go” I sighed “We can just… tell them that she kidnapped the kid right? They have to take her, there’s gotta be some kind of, like… danger to others law right?”

“No it could be complicated” Lip shook his head.

“Well if she won’t go I’m just gonna call the fucking cops on her. Tell them that she stole the baby they’ll… they’ll put her away for a while. At least she’ll be getting… some kind of fucking help” I siged, trying not to cry again.

“You did okay Mickey” Lip sighed “Hell, you tired”

“That’s a lot more than most people would do” Ian added 

“Thanks man” Carl spoke up.

“Yeah, thank you, Mickey” Ian sighed.

Fuck. She needs help.


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