Not Feeling

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Parker’s Pov.
Okay, there's something seriously wrong with me, or... multipul things. Just wait for it. I woke up one morning to Mickey right beside me, shit I’m glad to have him back. 

“Morning” I smiled… mostly.

“Morning” he chuckled “Jeez you got the worst bed head ever”

“Oh fuck off” I chuckled, shoving Mickey off the bed.

“Fuck Park” Mickey groaned.

“Ouchies” Liam said from his bed.

“Yeah that’s right coffee bean, ouchies, but deserved ouchies” I laughed, dodging a smack in the head from Mickey.

“Alright breakfast of champs” Mickey started, motioning to the plethora of pills on my bedside table “We got your mood stabilizers, antipsychotic, antidepressant for Bipolar. Zebeta for episodic migraines, Paxil for PTSD, Ramipril for low blood pressure, and gatorade”

See what I mean?

“Jeez if I puke I’m a damn walking clinic” I sighed “And you a fucking nurse now?” I grumbled.

“Shut the fuck up, take the pills bitch” Mickey sighed, kissing me on the top of the head before walking to the bathroom.

I did as told. Once I got dressed I walked downstairs with Mickey. Why the fuck is Sammi still here. I swear if she stays here any longer I’m gonna kill her.

“Hey, no caffeine, on your meds” Mickey reminded me.

Of course I didn’t listen and had some coffee anyway.

“Hey, how are ya feeling?” Debs asked me.

“Not feeling” I sighed.

“That’s an improvement,” she sighed “At least you’re not, swinging baseball bats at my head” 

“I’m so sorry Debs” I cringed.

“It’s alright” she nodded “It stinks in here”

“Yeah that’s cause the milk went bad” Mickey told us, pouring the clumpy mush into the sink.

“Nobody put it away?” Debs questioned.

“That milk is part of the Gallagher household. Of which I am no longer a member, and therefore not responsible” Sammi spoke up from the kitchen table.

“Then why are you still here?” I groaned.

“Apartment listing, calling around today” she feld up the paper.

“Good” I sighed, thankfully she didn’t hear me.

“What’s up with the water faucet?” Debs asked, seeing it wasn’t working.

“Guess nobody paid the water bill” Sammi was getting on my nerves.

“But I took a shower this morning” Debbie recalled.

“Lucky you, they must’ve just shut it off” Sammi just kept talking.

“Nobody made breakfast?” Debbie was not in a good mood.

“What’s it look like?” Mickey rolled his eyes.

“What about groceries, when is the last time anyone went shopping!” Debbie exclaimed.

“Who melted my spatula?” Sammi asked, no one said anything “That’s fine, don’t claim responsibility for anything. That’s the Gallagher way!” she exclaimed, finally leaving the room.

“Fuck” Mickey groaned, seeing as the thrown spatula splashed sink water on him.

I sighed, she is so fucking annoying. Mickey set a… something on a plate in front of me.

“I’m not eating that” I said tiredly.

“Eat it” Mickey demanded, pleasantly “Take all those pills on an empty stomach you’re gonna have diarrhea real bad”

I sighed, dipping the… old hard as rock half of a donut in my coffee and taking a bite.

“I gotta poop” I sighed, getting up and going to the can.

Good fucking morning world!


I sighed as I cleaned off the table at work. Fiona got Ian and I jobs at her work. I didn’t hate it, I was too medicated to hate it. Everything around me was still a bit fuzzy, it was annoying. 

“Hey Short stack, you feeling okay?” Ian asked as we walked into the kitchen, putting the dirty dishes in the sink.

“Feeling fuzzy” I sighed.

“Yeah I know” he nodded, kissing me on the forehead “But hey, it’s pros and cons right?”

I mustered the best smile I could and nodded my head. When Ian left to get more dishes, I noticed the flat stove. It made me think, I want to feel something, not just fuzz. I barely noticed I’d walked over there until I felt the flesh burning on my hand.

“Fuck!” I yelled, pulling my hand from the stove.

“You okay man?” one of the cooks asked me.

“Yeah, yeah” I nodded.

“Parker what happened!” Ian yelled, running into the kitchen.

“Nothing, nothing, I'm fine” I assured him.

“Damn” the cook looked at my mangled hand “take this” he handed me a towel to wrap it in.

“How’d this happen?” Ian asked, helping me wrap up my hand.

“I dunno” I shrugged.

“Yo you need me to get you the first aid kit?” the cook asked.

“I got her, thank you” Ian nodded to the cook, before walking me over to the sinks, and sitting me on the counter and holding my hand under cold water, it stung, but it helped in the end.

“Hey, hey” Ian made me look up at him “What the hell happened?”

“I don’t-

“Prudence Olivia Gal-

“Okay okay, just don’t with the full name” I sighed “I just… I hate the fuzziness. I wanted to feel something. Something-

I cut myself off. If I hadn’t I would’ve started crying. 

“We’re going home, come on” Ian helped me off the counter and we left work. Jeez Mickey’s gonna have a fit.


Is it bad that I gave her that many health issues just to make that part at the top sound rediculous? :p Also it does make her charcater that much more challanged when she's so sweet. But mostly to make that part sound nuts lol :p

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