Knew You'd Come

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Parker’s Pov.
I had to think of something to do to distract myself, so I went out and bought Trevor some lunch. I’ve noticed that when I get stressed I start doing shit for other people to keep my mind of it.

“Hey! Burgers, from that new Shake Shack” I greeted walking into Trevs office “You uh, you got time for a bite?”

“Ah, I’m in the middle of work shit” he sighed “I have to find placement for two of my teens before the morning. Homeless shelters overbooked”

“Sounds pretty hectic” I sighed, sitting down.

“Yeah, like epic level” he nodded “Gia got kicked out for pulling a knife on some chick that she swears was stealing her bras from the wash, it’s- I’m letting her crash at my place for a couple of nights until we get her situated. Fucking crazy day”

“Bet mine was crazier- Wait, is this the Gia that flirted with you?” I questioned.

“Maybe” he smirked.

I glared at the desk. Trevor chuckled, picking up his ringing phone.

“Hey Dina what’s up? No no no no, uh, tell em to keep a slot open I-I’ll bring her over right now. Okay yeah, bye” that was quick.

“You gotta bounce?” I sighed.

“Yeah, there’s an opening at Project Fierce for one of my kids. It’s a buzzer beater. Uh do you mind if I go take this to go or…?” he rushed out.

“Yeah yeah sure” I nodded.

“But hey, I’m gonna call you later because I want to hear about your crazy day” he smiled, kissing me quickly as he rushed out of his office.

“No you don’t” I sighed.

Fucking hell.


I ran out of the house that night. I wasn’t even using my brain anymore. Everything felt like pure impulse. I didn’t feel like driving there. I’d probably get in an accident if I did. So I walked. I walked and I thought about everything. I really really like Trevor. But God I can’t even describe seeing Mickey again. You could tell he’d just gotten out of prison, but he was still as hot as I remember him. What the fuck is he doing to me? Why does the universe keep shoving us together? Why can’t I get away?

“Knew you’d come” Mickey smirked, walking up from the docks “Knew you’d come, come here” he sighed, smashing his lips into mine.

God this felt good. I missed him so much. His hand hooked around my neck, the other one held my face so softly, my arms flew up around his neck. It felt right, everything felt right, except.

“The fuck” Mickey questioned, when I shoved him away.

“What you think my life hasn’t moved on since you were locked up Mickey?” I questioned 

“No I just thought that you’d be down for me since the whole reason I did time was going after the bitch who tried to ruin you and Ian” he reasoned “He know you’re here?”

“No” I shook my head “He’s an EMT now, pretty good at it too” I nodded.

“You both went official on me then huh?” he chuckled walking up to me.

“I’m not pissing away my life-

“Stop” he sighed, pulling me into another kiss.

God I loved kissing him. When I kissed Mickey it was like everything else went away. It was just me and him. It felt so fucking- no!

“Fuck!” shoved him again. I can’t do this “I have my shit together Mick! My meds are so under control I-I forget what I’m taking em for! And I-I have a- a fucking boyfriend!” I shouted.

“Boyfriend?” he questioned, I nodded “Okay… Whatcha doin here then?” he smirked.

Fucking hell. He wouldn’t stop smirking at me. His fucking cocky, hot ass smirk. Fucking screw it. I charged up to him, ripping off his jacket and letting our lips collide again. Mickey reached down to undo my jeans, I swatted his hands away, shoving him roughly against the flipped boat behind him. He was taken back, not this time Mick. I pulled my shirt over my head.

“Arms” I growled.

He smirked and lifted his arms letting me rip his shit over his head. I pulled his head back connecting my lips to his neck as I started undoing his jeans. Oh fuck.


I was woken up the next morning inside of an old van. Mickey was beside me, shit, his bed head had become as bad as mine. I sighed checking my phone. Shit Trevor had called me a bunch of times. I tried calling, I got an answering machine.

“Hey uh, sorry I missed you. Text me if you want to hook up later. I miss you” I sighed “Bye”

I looked over at the still sleeping Mickey. Shit I hated to just leave him. I pulled on my shoes and tried to get out as quietly as possible.

“Hey” I shook him slightly. He woke up flinching in shock “Hey” I spoke calmly “I gotta go”

“The fuck?” he groaned.

“Back to work and shit” I reminded, pulling on my jeans.

“Since when do you top Gallagher?” Mickey chuckled.

“You bottomed pretty easily” I smirked.

“Fuck off” he groaned “I gonna see you again?”

I didn’t know what to say. I leaned down, pulling Mickey into a soft passionate kiss. God I really didn’t wanna go. I pulled away from him, sticking a smoke in his mouth before jumping out of the van and into the world. What a fucking night.


Parker topping Mickey???? What is this???? Lol, I think I'm funny. Hope you guys liked this chapater<3<3

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