Ain't That Right

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Parker’s Pov.
That night I was woken up by a noise downstairs. My motherly instinct kicked in, also I forgot to take my Rozerem so I wasn’t sleeping well anyways. I climbed out of bed, careful not to wake up Ian and Lip as I walked downstairs. I walked to the kitchen to see Fiona staring at a passed out Frank on the floor. 

“Fuck Frank” she mumbled.

“Ain’t that right” I sighed, scaring her a bit, but she was fine once she noticed who I was.

I walked down the last few steps, grabbing a hand towel from the counter and cleaning up the small bit of puke on the floor. I tossed the towel into the sink before going to grab a bigger towel. Fiona bent down lifting up his head, as I placed the towel underneath as a pillow.

 We both stood up, Fiona wrapped her arms around my waist, leaning her head on my shoulder.

“How do you still love this asshole” she mumbled.

“Well, we owe him a bit of credit. We wouldn’t exist for him. Well, I guess Ian and I would, but you guys wouldn’t, and I love you guys” I smiled.

Fiona smiled back, sighing.

“Remember the last time we did this?” she asked “The time Ian was throwing paper balls into his mouth”

“Yeah. I can always remember that for some reason” I nodded.


It was back when Ian and I were 15, I think. I was sitting in the kitchen, drinking a coffee when Fiona came downstairs.

“Hey, you take your Rozerem?” she asked, running her fingers through my long hair.

“You gonna get mad if I say I felt like staying up today?” I asked.

“No” Fiona smiled slightly “I can’t get that mad at you, you’re basically the other mom in this family”

I smiled, taking another sip of my drink and getting up to go to the living room when I noticed Ian. He was throwing small paper balls at a passed out Frank on the floor.

“Just, tell me you didn’t go and get some girl pregnant” Fiona sighed, walking up behind me before sitting on the coffee table.

I smirked as I sat beside Ian on the arm rest. Nope, cause he’s gay!

“No worries” Ian assured “He hates me” he turned back to Frank.

“You just look more like mom than any of the rest of us” Fi shrugged.

“You probably scare him” I smirked, nudging his arm.

“Oh yeah?”

“Yeah” Fi nodded.

“He ain’t seen nothin yet” Ian smirked, making me and Fiona smile.

“He give you money for the field trip?” I asked.

“I’ll pay my own way alright” He assured.

“No, you won’t” Fiona shook her head.

She got up handing me Liam’s sippy cup and walking over to Frank. She lifted his leg, shaking it until some change fell out. Ian and I both chuckled at it.

“You must get sick of having to think for everybody” Ian sighed.

“Heh, at least I can” she shrugged “Proves I’m wanted, plus Park helps”

“Yeah” I nodded “At least someone needs us” 

“Jeez you two. If all you want is to be needed then congratulations. You got yourself a job for life with this joker” Ian grumbled.

“Go up to bed Ian I’ll be up in a sec” I smiled.

Ian nodded getting up.

“You do remember I’m the older one right?”

“Go” I chuckled, Ian chuckled too before jogging upstairs.

I sighed looking at the dead beat on the floor I was still calling dad. I heard sniffing and I turned my head to see Fiona crying. I sat down beside her rubbing her shoulder lightly. She shrugged me off, as always. Fiona never wanted to be weak in front of us.

“Hey” she walked up to Frank “Get up” she kicked him. He didn’t move “Dad, get up” she was getting upset “Get up!” she yelled.

“Fiona you’ll wake everyone up” I sighed.

She bent down, looking at the shit show. I bent down too, lifting his hand and patting her shoulder.

“Good job Fiona” I spoke, making Fi chuckle a bit “I don’t know how I could do this without you. Thanks for all your hard work”

“You’re welcome dad” she sighed “My pleasure”

With that she got up, and walked upstairs to go to bed. I sighed looking at the loser, that I couldn’t help love. I walked over to the couch, grabbing a pillow and placing it under his head. 

“Goodnight Daddy” I sighed, leaning down and kissing him on the forehead “I love you”

I got up and walked to the stairs.

“Love you too Park” a barely conscious man mumbled, barely coherent.


Fuck. That’s why. That was the first time Frank told me he loved me. That’s why I could always remember it. Shit, seems long gone at this point.


I love the flashback scenes!!!! Also sorry for not updating yesterday. It was mine and my boyfriends one year, so.... yeah. Hope you like chapter!

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