Pretty Tiring Huh?

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Ian’s Pov.
We all took Parker home. I was worried about her. She used to be so happy all the time, and she’s the most important thing in my life, I mean, she is my twin sister. I never want anything bad to happen to her. We walked in the door, everyone was in the kitchen.

“Hey look who’s home” Fiona announced as we walked inside.

“Parker!” Sammie smiled, oh boy.

“Hey” Frank nodded at her.

“Well, would you look at this, it’s like a great big family reunion!” Sammi exclaimed. Debbie walked up, hugging Parker “There’s more than enough food for everyone okay?” Sammi kept talking.

“Parker!” Liam exclaimed, running up and hugging her knee.

“Hey coffee bean” she smiled tiredly.

“Hey you want some coffee Park?” Lip asked her.

“Oh no. I’m tired, I just need to lay down for a bit” she sighed.

“Alright” Lip nodded.

I followed her out of the room, but eventually I stopped, knowing she wanted to be alone.

“She’s totally Monica” Debbie started.

“Without the great ass” Frank spoke up.

“Frank she’s your daughter” I groaned in disgust.

“She’s just overmedicated Debs, don’t worry. I’m moving back in for a little while, gonna keep an eye on her” Fiona assured, going into the fridge for something.

“Wu- I don’t understand. I got this now, and I thought you were married?” Sammi questioned.

“I am, but family comes first” Fiona assured.

“You got married?” Frank questioned.

“But your husband is your family” Sammi was pushing it.

“Okay fine. But Gus is going on tour with his band, so it only-

I didn’t listen to anything else. I went upstairs to check on Parker. I have to leave for work in a bit, but I need to check on her. I walked into the room, and she was lying in our bed. I always liked sleeping in the same bed as her, it was comforting, the bed felt empty when she left.

“Hey Park, how ya feeling?” I asked her.

“Tired” she mumbled.

“Yeah, I bet. Being stuck in a psych ward has gotta be pretty tiring huh?” I chuckled.

“Heh” I got her to smile a little bit. Jeez, what happened to her, usually she’d be laughing loud and clear at that “Look I’m kinda tired Ian, can I sleep?” she asked kindly.

“Yeah, you bet short stack” I nodded “I gotta go to work, but I’ll be home in a bit okay?”

“Okay” she mumbled, barely audible.

 I walked out of the room, closing the door a little. I started crying. What happened to her? I want my sister back, I want everything to be normal again.


Carl’s Pov.
I walked into my bedroom, to see Parker sleeping on the bed. Jeez her bed head is hilarious. I went to grab some stuff, but I accidentally woke her up.

“Sorry. Didn’t mean to wake you” I sighed.

“That’s okay” she nodded tiredly “You got any water?” she asked sitting up.

I handed her my gatorade 

“Thanks” she mumbled

“What’s it feel like to be crazy?” I asked.

“Um… like I’m, under a wet blanket and, cottonmouth” She explained.

“They give you shock therapy?” I asked.

“No” She chuckled slightly.

“Could be me next ya know” I sighed, looking for my metal knuckles “You ever think about painting yourself and running around naked? I think about that. Or flying? I dream about that” I nodded.

“That doesn’t make you crazy ya know” she sighed.

“What about pushing someone on the tracks when the trains coming? You ever thought about that?” I added.

“No” she shook her head.

“I heard about some guy who thought he had x-ray vision, and could see girls titties through their clothes. Maybe it’s not that bad” I shrugged “You ever been to Michigan?”

“Nope” she shook her head again.

“Okay, well imma head to work” I told her.

“Hey hey” she sighed “Come give me a hug psycho” she chuckled quietly.

I smiled and walked back giving her a hug.

“You talked to Mickey yet?” I asked.

“Nu uh” she sighed, shaking her head.

“Well I think you should call him, you two were made for each other” I nodded.

“Thank you oh great and wise Carl Gallagher” she smirked tiredly.

Everything she was doing was tiredly and quietly. I just sighed and walked out. I just want her to be happy again.


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