January 10th

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Dear Sophia,

I love you.

I know you know that by now but I always want to remind you. Sometimes I feel completely empty and the only good thing I feel like I can do is let you know how much I love you. It’s the most important thing in the world. It’s the only thing that matters. Loving you keeps me going.

I miss you. It makes me sad. Every time I see you I love you more and more. That’s why I’m so excited about this year. We can finally get everything in place to be together exactly how we’re meant to be.

I don’t feel whole today. You have a big part of me and when you go away you take it with you.

I hope you’re having a nice time on holiday. I really do. I want you to come back feeling healthy and relaxed. I want you to come back feeling good about yourself so we can focus on what really matters.

It’ll be exciting when we can go off on holiday together. We can plan when it’s good for you to take time off work. We should go traveling before we have kids. We can explore the whole world. We should be the kind of people that actually know about the world instead of having just read about it in books. We should wander cities together and find things nobody else finds and keep them for ourselves. We can find special little places that can be our places.

It won’t be all walking though don’t worry. I’d be happy lying on a beach with you. I don’t normally like beaches because of all the people and the noise and the dirt but if I think about lying on the beach with you getting a nice tan next to me it makes me feel really relaxed. I’d be completely happy lying on the sand reading a book or something while you were next to me. All the other guys on the beach would be jealous. You wouldn’t even have to try to get their attention. You would have it straight away. I wouldn’t mind though because you’d be mine and we’d be there together.

That’s all I want Sophia. I want to not have to worry. I want us to be together. Things aren’t right when we’re not together.

I love you.



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