February 6th

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Dear Sophia,

I love you. I hope you saw me today. I hope you know I was there.

Yesterday didn’t quite go how I wanted it to. Obviously I was happy just walking with you but that wasn’t the aim. That’s not what I was after. I wanted to find out where you worked so I could look after you better.

I was waiting for you in Starbucks today and I still hadn’t really come up with a new plan. I think it ended up going ok but it still wasn’t ideal.

It’s funny that sometimes just sitting in Starbucks makes me feel closer to you. I guess it’s because it’s such a special place for us. So many big things have happened to us there. It felt weird to leave when you were still there but I guess it’s good to not always meet in the same place. It’s not like Starbucks is the reason we see each other.

When you drove off yesterday I couldn’t really see where you went. That’s what I wanted to sort out today. If I’m going to be a supportive husband I need to know where you’re going to be. If I want to surprise you at work or if you’re poorly or something it’s important I know how to get to you.

Even though it was for the best it still felt weird leaving Starbucks earlier than you. I waited for you to come in so I could check you were ok. Then I got up and left. It was difficult not to come over to you but I knew what I had to do. I hope you didn’t think I was ignoring you. I waited until you were busy in the queue so you didn’t feel like I was leaving you on your own.

I walked down the road to where you left your car yesterday. It was there again. It’s really clever of you to have found somewhere so good you can leave the car every day.

I went up to it and looked on the chairs. It was a bit frustrating. I could see an ID thing on the passenger seat but it was face down so I couldn’t see what was on it. That’s probably for the best though. You have to be safe when it comes to your identity. You don’t want just anyone seeing things like that.

I noticed a file on the backseat. It said Wade Ltd on it. I made sure to remember that. I care about every little thing in your life.

I knew I still probably had a couple of minutes until you left Starbucks. I started to walk down the road towards the junction where I lost you yesterday. That’s why I was there when you went past. I hope that makes sense now. I hope you didn’t see me there and think I just hadn’t bothered to stay in Starbucks.

I was really stupid and didn’t remember your number plate. It meant I had to watch every blue car that came up the road to see if it was you. I sat on the wall at the side to make it easier for you to see me.

I saw what I thought was you coming up the road. The lights must have been green when you got to the junction. You turned right and went straight down that other road. Then you turned left and I couldn’t see you anymore. I walked down the road and looked down where you’d turned. There was another junction there. I couldn’t see you anymore.

When I got home I googled Wade Ltd and found it right away. I knew you’d work in something caring like insurance. It’s not as if you make money off of things going badly for people. You just help them out when emergencies happen. You’re like a safety net.

I looked up where the offices are and it’s a bit far out of town for me to walk I think. I mean if anything bad happened I’d be able to get there. That’s good to know. It’s just a bit too much of a walk for me to do too often. Especially when the weather isn’t great.

Sometimes when it’s dark I worry about you Sophia. I really hope you’re somewhere safe. It’s not long until I’ll be looking after you all the time. I’ll be able to make sure nothing unexpected happens. You have a good routine of going to work then coming to see me and getting your coffee and then going back to work. The last thing we want is something to get in the way of that.

I love you.



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