January 6th

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Dear Sophia,

I love you.

You’re making me better every day. Things are nearly ready now. I’ll never be as perfect as you are but that doesn’t mean I shouldn’t try. It doesn’t mean us together isn’t perfect.

Cooking went ok yesterday so I wanted to think of something else good to do today. I wanted to try and improve something about myself. I think showing that I’m working on myself is important. Just doing cooking again didn’t seem enough. I don’t want you thinking that I think being able to share the cooking with you is a big deal. I know it’s not.

I checked my list of new years resolutions. Some of them are about improving myself rather than just getting things done. I think it’ll be nice if by the time you move in I’ve already worked a bit on those too.

One of them is I want to get a better vocabulary. Another is that I want to learn some French. It doesn’t even matter whether we’re going to France soon or not. I just think it’s a good thing to be cultured like that.

I learned a few good words today. Supercilious. Egregious. Gregarious. Bilious. Capacious. Pusillanimous. Flagitious. Noctambulism.

I hope that I’m not supercilious. I hope you don’t think it’s egregious. I will try to be more gregarious and try not to be bilious when I do. I think my brain is capacious enough to put up with all this learning. I hope I’m not being pusillanimous. I definitely won’t be flagitious. I hope this doesn’t have side effects like me suffering from noctambulism.

I think it’s important I can use all those words in normal sentences too. It shows I’ve not just copied them out to impress you. It shows I’m actually learning them. I must understand them all to be able to use them in sentences like that.

I learned some basic French things too. I was awful at French at school. I just hated it. It’s stupid the way they teach you at school. The first things you learn are really weird things that nobody would ever say to each other in conversation. I don’t know why people bother learning stuff like that. The internet makes it so much easier to learn things I actually want to say.

Je t’aime. Je ne puex pas attendre de vous voir. J’espere que ce n’est pas enorme. Je fais tout pour vous. Je sais que je n’ai pas besoin de vous impressionner, mais je veux de toute facon.

That means I love you and I can’t wait to see you. It means I hope you don’t think my French is egregious. It means I’m doing everything I can for you and I know I don’t need to impress you but I want to anyway.

I’ve done so much today and it’s all been easy because I’ve had you here with me. Every time I’ve learned something new I’ve looked over at your face and seen that I’m making you smile.

If weekends are this much better just because I can see you I can’t even imagine how perfect things will be when we’re together every minute of every day.

I love you.



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