December 9th

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Dear Sophia,

I love you.

Today has been really quiet. It’s just felt quiet. It’s funny how a Sunday can feel like a Sunday. I don’t really know how but you can just feel it. It’s not as if the sun is any different or there are different hours or something. I think if you put me to sleep for a few days and woke me up on a Sunday I would know it was a Sunday without you telling me. There’s just something about it.

It’s like how you can just feel you’re in love and you don’t have to study it to know it’s true. There are some things like that that can’t be explained even though they’re more true than anything else. I think those are the most important feelings in the world.

Today’s been so quiet I’ve just been thinking about things like this all day. I think it’s important you go with it when you have a feeling you can’t explain. There’s more stuff we feel than just our normal senses.

It’s like how all those dogs could tell the tsunami was coming. I remember all the dogs ran away trying to get uphill long before it was in view or anyone knew it was coming. It’s not as if the dogs worked it out or something they just knew they had to get away. They could feel it. It’s the same thing with you. I just know I’m in love with you. It’s just something I knew I had to act on the second I saw you.

Some people think they have this sense where they can tell that someone’s looking at them. I think it’s something people just say because it sounds mysterious and interesting. Sometimes in Starbucks I watch people go past out the window and they don’t know I’m looking at them.

Everyone who’s religious must always feel like someone’s watching them anyway. There’s so much CCTV in towns these days that if you’re walking around anywhere someone can probably see you on a monitor somewhere. I think it’s something people probably only feel when they feel like they’re doing something wrong. I’ve spent all day today at home. If I felt like someone was watching me I wouldn’t have been able to relax.

I guess being as beautiful as you are must mean you always get attention wherever you go. I really love that you don’t let it go to your head. You don’t seem to worry about it either. You always find the perfect balance.

I love you.



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