December 30th

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Dear Sophia,

I love you.

I feel like I’m in a kind of cocoon at the moment. I’m just waiting for everything to be perfect so that we can have our life exactly how we want it and be happy forever. I’ve been really restless today but not known what to do. I just want it to be tomorrow. I just want to be with you.

I watched T.V lots again. I didn’t mean to I just wasn’t sure what else to do. They still had some Christmas films on. I’m not really sure why. They’re probably the same ones that were on a week ago and they just hope everyone was too drunk at Christmas to remember.

Christmas films are really weird because they still have to put action in them. Fighting and stuff like that. People getting hit or at least falling over. Even in films clearly meant for little kids. It’s like people can’t tell something dramatic is happening unless there is a loud noise or someone yelling or something like that.

They had Home Alone on. I guess that’s not only a Christmas film it’s just set at Christmas. I hadn’t seen it for years but I still knew loads of the lines in it. When I was young after I watched it I used to always try and set up traps in case anyone broke into the house. My mum used to get annoyed because they’d all get in her way.

That was before I knew what burglars were really like. Now I should probably work out some proper security things to have around the house. I never use the backdoor so I could just put something in the way of it in case tries to get in. I did have a chair next to it for a little while but all it did was remind me about the break in so I moved it.

Obviously I don’t think any of those things from Home Alone would really work. Maybe when we have kids and they watch it we should let them try some of the ones that aren’t dangerous. Maybe it would help them not be scared of the idea of people breaking in. I think that’s important. You shouldn’t be scared in your own house.

I remember when I was little I used to think if you left something on top of a door when someone pushed the door open it would fall on their head. That doesn’t really make any sense though. The problem is that burglars aren’t like the ones in Home Alone. They get hurt lots and it’s meant to be funny.

I think that’s a bit of a problem with kids films. It makes it look like people getting hurt is funny and not a problem. We’ll have to explain that to our kids when they watch it. I don’t want them thinking hurting people is funny.

I’ve been a bit like a kid on Christmas Eve today actually. I’ve sat around watching Christmas films and I’ve just been really excited about tomorrow. It’s not a bad thing though. I’m not really a kid. I still know I can take care of our family. I’m still ready to be the man of the house. I’m just really excited about everything. That’s all.

I love you.



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