Donald Na X Gravy

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Donald Na's favorite food wasn't that bread he'd always eat in his office. No, the bakery isn't even where his favorite food was located. His favorite place to order from was Ttosikki Chicken. And his favorite food wasn't even really a food. His favorite thing about Ttosikki Chicken wasn't their signature chicken that which their place was named for, but rather the thing he loved most about the place was their gravy.

Now, you might be thinking: what gravy are you talking about? In the Episode 70 when Ben and Gray ate at that place, there was just a whole damn chicken but no gravy. Well, in this universe that place had gravy and it was the best damn gravy that Donald Na has ever tasted.

Their gravy was amazing. It was as if paradise were a flavor, it would taste exactly like Ttosikki Chicken's gravy. Their gravy didn't go well with just their chicken though, it went well with everything. Donald Na would order extra gravy so once he was done with the chicken, he could use the rest for bread or rice or steaks or anything really. Sometimes he'd just straight up drink the gravy by itself.

Then, a nightmare that Donald had became reality. The place that he loved most had been shut down. He fell to his knees and let out a cry of horror. "NO!"


"La, la, la, la, la!" Ben sang happily as he made his way to Ttosikki Chicken. "I've been waiting for this day..." He looked up form his coupon and stared at the closed restaurant. "Huh? What's this?"

"Seoul Ward's Office closed this place," A strained voice called from the floor.

"Donald Na!?" Ben exclaimed.

"My precious gravy..." Donald sobbed.

"Uh..." Ben was unsure of what to do. If this were a normal person, he'd try to comfort them. But this was no normal person. The person curled up and crying on the floor was Donald Na, head of the Yeongdeungpo Union. "Are you alright?"

"No!" Donald snapped. "I'm not alright! This place has the best gravy! And some fuckers shut it down! I want to know the name of the fucker who did this!"

"It was Jared Sun!" Toby yelled. "That son of a bitch forced me to bring him and his friends here and serve them food and alcohol! He then called the cops on the place!"

"Hey," Donald regained his intimidating composure. "Where is Jared Sun?"

"T-The rooftop of Pass Edu!"


The door leading to the rooftop was literally knocked off its hinges by a single kick from Donald Na. "Where is Jared Sun?"

"D-Donald Na!?" Jared, who had been planning to escape since Gray had badly beaten Wolf, started backing away.

"YOU!" Donald started to beat the living shit out of Jared. "YOU SHUT DOWN TTOSIKKI CHICKEN! HOW DARE YOU!? I'LL KILL YOU!"

"Gray!" Ben rushed over to his friend just as he fainted.

As Ben, Gray, Eugene, and Rowan left the rooftop, everyone else watched, too scared to dare to make a move, as Donald Na murdered Jared Sun.

This is not meant to be taken seriously. It's a crack-fic.

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