The mahogany house

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Clementine Mays glanced out of the car window as her parents pulled up in the driveway of her new house.
White paint was peeling off the sides of the house revealing a dirty layer of brown brick. Shutters that had once been yellow where now an eggshell color and hung off narrow windows at random angles. The yard was dominated by long scraggly weeds, and the wooden steps leading up to the house were splotched with mold and mildew.
Clementine didn't know what to say.
Her parents however, seemed perfectly happy with the house , so clementine brought her few boxes of clothing and other items up to her second bedroom.
She had to admit, the interior was significantly better that outside of the house.
the walls were the same color as the shutters, and in a few places a little cracked the floors were hardwood, and creaked a little.
But at least it was clean.
Clementine unpacked and organize her items. By the time she was done, it was time for dinner, and so she went and ate, then went to sleep earl.
The next morning while she was trying to tackle some of the weeds in the garden, a girl came up to her.
"Hi, I'm Alyssa". She said
Clementine smiled, glad to have met somebody her age. She introduced herself, and pretty soon alyssa was sipping a glass of lemonade and sitting on clementines floor.
" this is so weird". I just can't believe your name is clementine, alyssa mumble, almost to herself.
Yeah a lot of people think my namr is strange, clementine replied. Oh not that way. Its strange, because shortly after henry mahogany started this town, his twelve years old daughter clementine was murdered.
Really? Clementine asked, her interest quelled l. Alyssa nodded solemnly. Alyssa told clementine how henry and his wife went out to dinner one night, and when they got back their daughter was dead, with every inch of skin peeled off her body. The police tried as hard as they could to find the killer , but the never did. The only evidence was a doll, i think. After clementine died. The house was empty ever since.
Clementine trembled at the thought of clementine mahogany's body. But she brushed the image out of her mind as something caught her eye " hey what's that"? She asked, pointing to a small door in the wall she hadn't nothing before.
The girl opened it and discovered a china doll. She was wearing a bright red dress, in some parts of it, there tended to be crimson colored splotches. Her skin was an abnormally pale color, and cracked and her raven colored hair curled in old fashioned style.
Thats so cute squealed by alyssa.
Clementine nodded, not as enthusiastic. Something about the doll made her uneasy. And she had no clue how alyssa found the thing cute. She found it repulsive l.
ALYSSA! TIME TO GO TO SOCCER! Alyssa's mom shouted from downstairs.
Coming. Alyssa yelled back "see you tomorrow"
And with that, clementine was alone, since her parents were at a meeting.
The story made her feel scared and the doll didn't help. so clementine shoved her in the linen closet downstairs and watches TV for several hours until she was tired enough to go to sleep.
Once clementine was in bed and nearly asleep, she heard a noise.
Clementine's are so good, but you have to peel the skin off first.
I've waited so long for another clementine to eat.
Clementine froze. she rolled over and scanned her room. nothing. still, to feel safer, she closed her door and turned her nightstand light on. then she heard footsteps, four. she had eight stairs. Clementine ignored it and tried sleeping again.
This time it was harder. nightmarish visions clouded her head. but once again.m, she got to the state where she was almost asleep.
You have to perl the skin off the clementine first
Accompanied by that was cruel laugh and four footsteps.
Clementine bolted into her closet and closed the door.
Only a second later, she heard the same voice, and the closet door swing open. the doll was there, although this time she was bearing knife, and she pulled back her lips to reveal a set of razor sharp fangs.
The police were on high alert. the same violent and gory murder had been recreated at the same house, nearly seventh years later.
Like the previous time, the only evidence was a blood stained doll.
Hope you like it
- clarisse47

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