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"What are the four pillars of the Silvercrest pack?" She asked in a smooth voice.

I opened my eyes, she was seated across me, still in the same form with her knees folded beneath her and her back straight.

"No peeking, T." She spoke in a sing song voice.

I quickly shut my eyes. "Um - the four pillars..."

I racked my brain. "Loyalty, integrity, cooperation and... and..."

"Peace and harmony." She finished for me.

"Yeah, exactly." I responded like I had known it all along.

I heard my mother sigh. "T -"

I opened my eyes and saw her looking at me in a patronising way.

"I swear I knew it mum! I just needed a minute to think." I muttered the last part and looked at the ground.

My legs were beginning to hurt from putting all my weight on them.

"Get up, T." She spoke as she begun to rise herself.

I felt relieved that I would actually get to stretch out my legs after what must have been 40 minutes in the same position.

"You haven't been studying with Nita, have you?" She asked seriously.

I hated when she used that tone. It meant 'serious mum' was around. But then again, 'serious mum' always showed up when we came down here to train.

"I have." I spoke defensively.

"Really? Because she says you haven't been paying attention."

I looked at my bare feet.

"It's a lot to remember, mum."

"Pick up your staff, Tristan." She spoke.

I almost groaned out loud.

Not this again.

I looked behind me at the wooden staff on the floor.

I hesitantly picked it up and turned around to see my mother had picked up her own. Without warning she swung at me.

I quickly jumped back.

"The four pillars of the pack, Tristan." She demanded before swinging again.

This time I blocked it with my own staff before it could hit my face.

"Loyalty -" I groaned as I used all my strength to fend off her staff.


Her staff came for my right arm and I quickly spun and stopped it.

"Cooperation -"

This time her staff came for my stomach area and I had to use both my hands to use align my staff to block the attack.

"And - whoa!"

The staff was swiped underneath me and sent me falling to the ground.

Dang it. I hadn't watched for my feet.

I landed on my back on the purple padded mat.

"Peace and harmony." My mother spoke sternly as her face appeared above mine.

The Alpha's FavourTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang