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"It's so nice out here." Jasmine spoke as she walked ahead of me out into the clearing of the backyard.

I simply watched her, this gorgeous lady who was basically royalty considering she was an alpha's daughter.

I didn't know her and she didn't know me. So her asking for a private audience was confusing to say the least.

She turned around, her long dark hair fling in the wind and her forest green eyes settling on me.

"You know I once backpacked through Europe and met this pack that we preferred not to live in houses. They were all about living in nature and letting their wolf sides dominate. I lived among them for a couple of months and it was so liberating."

She shut her eyes, sucked in a deep breath and let out a satisfied sigh.

"When I went back home, I was so restless for so long. I had gotten used to being in the wild and living on instinct alone."

I was starting to wonder where she was going with this but I didn't want to be rude by telling her to get to the point.

"We live in such close proximity to humans that we often forget to let our wolves have their moment in the sun once in a while." She muttered and I wondered if she was still talking to me or to herself.

After being quiet for what felt like minutes, she opened her eyes again.

"I can't imagine what it was like for you suppressing your true nature and living among humans for so long."

I was caught off guard but also relieved. Something directed at me.

"Um, it wasn't so bad actually. I had friends and... my family."

My dad at least. He was human and normal,

Jasmine frowned slightly. "I'm sorry that your whole world had to come crushing down in more ways than one."

I suddenly wondered how much Tristan had told this stranger about me. I felt weird. My life story, with all its twists and turns and tragedies was still my life. I had the right to disclose who got to know my secrets.

"How much do you know?" I asked warily.

"Oh - sorry." She spoke seeming genuinely apologetic. "I know what it's like to have your life studied and lived under a microscope. Trust me, my dad has been having me supervised and watched since I was born."

"You still haven't answered my question." I spoke.

Jasmine gave me a half hearted smile. "About everything, I suppose. Again, I'm sorry but there's a file on you and it's in my job description-"

"To snoop?"

It came out before I could even control myself. The same way I had gotten mad about Joshua reading my file is the same way I was mad at this person I didn't even know knowing so many personal details.

Jasmine let out a small breath. "I guess Tristan really didn't tell you much about me. I'm an interpack ambassador. I'm in a department of ambassadors under the union who deal with issues that affect the packs under the union. And you, Crystal Swan are a hot topic for us right now."

I looked at Jasmine. She didn't look any older than Tristan. I didn't know if I believed that she had such an important sounding job.

As if she sensed my skepticism, she reached into her jacket pocket and took out a card.

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