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"There are seven heads of the Werewolf Union and 23 member packs." Bridget spoke as she wheeled herself around the desk in Tristan's office.

I nodded attentively. Of course I had learnt all this in werewolf history and the current affair classes but I didn't want to come off as arrogant.

Besides, there's probably a lot Bridget could teach me that I couldn't learn in the classrooms. Like Jasmine had said when she showed me the prisons in the tunnels. Some information was reserved for a select few.

And as unbelievable as it was, as Luna, I was officially part of that select few.

"Silvercrest, Calhoun, Stone, Row, Pine, Redstone and the Steppe pack. All of them are sending their representatives today. I don't have time to give you a background on all of them but here are the ones to look out for."

Bridget spoke so quickly, I struggled to digest everything.

It wasn't even her fault though, the representatives were currently waiting for a meeting that had been postponed twice now.

The first time because me, Josh and Mikey had held up Bridget and the second being the video.

If I could take notes I would but something told me I didn't need to give everyone a reason to doubt my capabilities or my right to be here overall.

Captain Nakumora, the new chief of defence sat quietly on the couch hearing Bridget speak.

He was Captain Park's replacement and I didn't really know much about him. But Peter had assured me that he could be trusted before he had left for some duties that Bridget had given him.

I was so used to Tristan's small team of people, I forgot that there were other -more experienced and older people who also ran things.

Not saying Peter or Raphael or even May were incompetent.

It was a known fact that Tristan being such a young alpha would also have fairly young people in his circle.

"Alpha Randall Calhoun," Bridget spoke, showing me a picture on her tablet. "Leader of the union, pompous, arrogant, strong. We might be the most powerful in terms of resources and stability but the Calhoun pack has the numbers, the man power and a lot of territory."

"That he can't control." Captain Nakamura muttered quietly.

From the roll of Bridget's eyes, I could tell she agreed.

"You can bet that's who Ornyx will try to hit after his done with us." She spoke.

I looked at the man's picture. A big and burly man with long dark hair braided to the side and striking Hazel eyes with tan skin.

"This is Jasmine's father?" I asked immediately spotting the similarities.

Jasmine was really tall with more of a slender but athletic build. But I could see the same features in this man as she had.

Bridget nodded.

"He's the WU leader by default. Greatest territory always leads. Stupid old regime rules that we still follow. He'll want to lead the whole expedition and affair. Don't say anything to offend his massive ego, please. Let me and Captain Nakamura handle him."

"Got it. It's not like I plan on doing much talking anyway." I spoke.

The title was to get me in. The only say I wanted to have was the one that would get Tristan home.

"Next Shelby Odoku, Steppe pack. Respectable sized territory, stable and self sufficient enough. But Alpha Shelby? She hates conflict. Personally ran anti war propaganda during the last war. She almost pulled out her soldiers from the night mid battle. She's gonna be a problem in the rallying of fighters." Bridget spoke and I could detect the slight frustration in her voice.

The Alpha's FavourNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ