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"Wow! My own girlfriend doesn't trust me!"

I fought the urge to roll my eyes at Roman.

He sat across me, being a little drama queen.

"Well so far you haven't given me a reason to." I shot back.

"I'm your boyfriend!" He yelled.

"That really doesn't count right now!"

He placed his hand on his chest and let out a long gasp.

"Oh my - will you two stop it? It's just a game!" Kat snapped from where she sat beside me.

This time the three of us let out long dramatic gasps.

We were seated at a booth in Chris' mother's bakery playing a card game that Chris had introduced to us. It was called 'the Resistance'. It was basically a strategy based game where you had to identify who the spy was in the game.

And so far, my money was on my dearest boyfriend.

Roman and I had been hooked from the beginning but Kat honestly just thought the game was a waste of time.

We didn't care, we made her play anyway.

"Someone here is trying to jeopardise this mission and I shall make it my life's work to figure out who it is!" Chris spoke in a deep narrator voice. "I will not eat! I will not sleep!"

"Hun, you're supposed to be in bed by 10!" We heard Chris' mum call as she waltz passed our table to deliver a loaf of banana bread to the customers at the next table.

"Mum!" Chris whined, his cheeks tinting pink.

Kat, Roman and I shared a look, each of us fighting off laughter.

"No arguments, homework, dinner then bed." She called over her shoulder as she made her way back to the kitchen.

"Why won't this woman let me be great." Chris muttered, sinking down in his chair.

"Is wittle Chrissy fussy now?" Roman teased him in a baby voice, using one hand to try and pinch his cheek.

Chris swatted his arm away. "Says the eighteen year old hanging out with sixteen year olds. Seriously, dude? Don't you have cooler things to do? Like using your AAP candidacy card to literally get anything you want?"

Roman's eyes fixed on me and his mouth pulled into a smile. "My Lady is right here, where else would I rather be?"

Chris rolled his eyes.

"Gag!" Kat yelled. She picked up her cards. "Could we please finish this lame game so that I can drag Crystal shopping with me?"

I wasn't really paying attention to Kat.

I was too busy smiling like a goofy idiot at what Roman had just said.

What can I say? I was sixteen and in love.

I picked up my cards when Kat impatiently nudged me.

"It's your turn."

As I was scanning my options, a phone vibrated.

It was Roman's.

It was on the table. I didn't see the name because he quickly turned the device face down.

I rose a brow at him in confusion.

"Who was that?"

"Foster parents." He muttered.

The Alpha's Favourजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें