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For hours all I heard was shuffling. Movement, yelling, talking.

I paced back and forth in the tent I was in. I could see the reflection of the guards positioned all around just waiting for the moment I tried to make a run for it.

I wanted to panic but I couldn't.

I felt jump started.

Tristan was in trouble. They had hurt Tristan and he was in pain. I needed to stop that pain.

All my fear about what could have happened to Raphael, Nia and the others needed to go away.

I didn't want to act like they didn't matter. They had risked everything by coming here with me.

But right now I needed to go into survival mode.

Even though when I thought about Ornyx's order, I just wanted to crawl into myself and weep when I thought about all the pain Tristan must have been going through.

They already took his foot.

I hated to wonder what else they might have done to him.

I needed to get him out.

The tent door was suddenly pushed open.

I backed away quickly thinking Ornyx was back but it was only Roman.

Not that seeing him was any better.

I glared at him.

"You jerk!" I screamed.

He put a finger to his lips as he zipped down the tent door.

I didn't care about whatever he wanted to say. I marched up to him and shoved him.

"Why'd you bring me back here! Why'd you lie?" I demanded.

Roman placed his hands on my shoulders holding me steady and in place but I wasn't the same easily controlled Crystal.

I pulled out of his hold roughly and gave him a death glare hoping he knew that I wasn't playing.

He raised his hands in defence looking exhausted already.

"Will you stop it, babe. I'm not here to fight you."

"Don't call me that." I spat.

He stood up straighter. He leaned back slightly, studying me from head to toe like he had missed something.

"Okay, Valencia."

I let out a growl and charged at him, shoving him harder this time. He stumbled backwards.

And almost tripped. "Get me out of here, Roman!"

His the one who got me caught. He's the one who was revelling in the glory of having 'captured' me.

Roman clenched his jaw. I could tell he was upset. And as usual, trying not to show it.

"So that you can go where?" He asked, his tone cold. "To save Tristan? He's as good as dead, Crystal."

I charged at him again but this time he was ready.

He grabbed my arm and used my weight against me, spinning me around and pinning my arm behind my back.

I was stuck as he grabbed the other, holding them in place.

He leaned to whisper into my ear. "If you want to survive, you're gonna have to trust me."

"Trust you?" I scoffed as I struggled to get out of his hold.

I didn't want him touching me ever again. And it was hard to believe that not too long ago I had wanted nothing but to see him again.

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