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My mother always told me that whenever I felt lost, the best compass in the world was my heart.

It was just some sappy way of telling me that when I didn't know which direction to go, I should always trust my gut.

I scoffed out a laugh as I looked around the cave/cell I was in.

Guess I missed the lesson on what to do when you're beaten up and broken chained to the wall in your biggest enemy's territory.

"What's wrong with you?" I heard Meggy speak looking disgusted.

She had picked up a rock and was drawing lines on the ground with the little movement she could muster up.

I leaned my head against the stone ignoring her as I looked up at nothing.

There was very little light in here but not absolutely nothing that I couldn't tell we weren't underground.

I don't know how long we had been here but so far the cave hadn't gotten completely pitch black.

I looked at the narrow entrance the guards had walked in and exited through when bringing in Meggy.

If I was to make a guess, it led straight outside somewhere. I couldn't tell why Ornyx would put us in what seemed like a less than secure holding but it's all that made sense to me at the moment.

But then again, it wasn't like Meggy and I were escaping anytime soon. Each of us were weak and at this point I think even Crystal's little cousin Parker could take me in a fight.

So I guess it was a good prison in a very sadistic way. If I had been at my full strength, I could see myself escaping in a heart beat.

But then there was also the fact that I had to consider what waited outside for me.

Maybe Ornyx had a whole army guarding this place.

Either way, stumbling into the unknown was just as dangerous.

"You look like your mind is extra busy." Meggy spoke.

I looked up and realised she was studying me.

I watched the ceiling instead of looking at her.

"Maybe it is." I muttered.

I heard her scoff. "Don't. Whatever it is, don't, they'll catch you before you make it two feet."

I lowered my head to see that she was still scrapping lines onto the ground.

"Where is he?" I asked her.

I saw her freeze.

Her grip tightened on the rock.

It had a sharp end from all the scraping I guess.

"You wanna meet his highness?" She asked sarcastically but I couldn't help but pick up the tension in her voice.

My chains made a clanging sound as I shifted to sit up.

I had been on the ground for so long, everything hurt and felt stiff.

"Why bring me here if he didn't want to torture me? Why waste the opportunity now that he has me?"

I had been wondering about this the whole time.

The war had been between the Shadow pack and the Union but everyone knew it was no secret that this had all begun with my grandfather and Lucien Van Cliffe. And since then, the bad blood between van Cliffes and Melrose's ran deeper than with any other packs.

Ornyx had a direct descendant of the Melrose clan in his grasp and yet he hadn't come to rub it in my face how easy it had been to capture me?

He sure had a lot to say over that video but here I was right now and he hadn't even come to gloat?

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