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When I got out of the shower I found a fresh set of clothes laid out on the bed.

Tristan had probably had someone leave them here. It was a pair of jeans and a stylish white blouse. Probably May's choosing.

I got dressed. There wasn't much I could do about my hair. It had been a crazy past few days and I had neglected sleeping with a satin scarf on or at least braiding it down.

I bunched it all up and tied it up determined to sort it out when I got back to the safe house.

I left the guest room and immediately felt lost in the Melrose manor.

I had been here a handful of times but still, the magnificence of the place always got to me.

It was the same guest room I had been given before so I easily found my way to Tristan's room.

I knocked lightly on the door.

I didn't need a response to know Tristan was in there.

I could feel him.

The door swung open and Jasmine came into view.

"Oh hello there." She greeted with a somewhat mischievous smile.

"Uh, hi." I responded.

The last time I had seen Jasmine was when Tristan was mad at the both of us for going against him.

I guess that wasn't a thing anymore.

"Jazz." Tristan spoke.

Jasmine stood aside and let me walk in.

Peter sat at a computer at Tristan's desk.

Tristan was in another corner talking on his phone, looking frustrated and concentrating with wrinkles forming on his forehead.

"Boss man is just finalising a few things. He'll be right with you." Jasmine spoke breezily before she walked over to stand behind Peter who only looked up briefly to give me a nod of acknowledgment.

I felt out of place and completely useless.

Everyone seemed to be working tirelessly to prevent this war and me? The Luna, I had no idea what my place even was in all this other than being a distraction to Tristan.

I heard Tristan let out a sigh as he got off his phone.

He ran a hand down his face.

"Mary wants accounts on my prisoners. She says we can't keep them locked up without letting the justice system have a go at them too." He announced.

"Well we've got nothing from them yet." Jasmine spoke.

"Yeah and we need a report to present to the WU meeting tomorrow."

I perked up. "The union is meeting?" I asked.

They all turned to look at me as if just realising I was there.

"I'm gonna take Crystal home and meet you guys at HQ in a bit." Tristan told them. "Pete, stall with Justice for me. I need at least 48 more hours and get Captain Park down in the cells as soon as possible. We're getting desperate."

"Got it. Probably gonna piss off a lot of them though." Peter spoke as he got up and started gathering the stuff on the table.

"When are they never mad?" Jasmine spoke with a roll of her eyes and a playful smile. "Bridge wouldn't have had a problem bossing the oldies around."

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