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"If I were Tristan, I would have had you call Roman back the minute he responded to you." Captain Park spoke.

It seemed like she had taken over the whole operation.

Tristan sat at his desk, watching her silently.

I couldn't tell if he was silent because he didn't know what else to do or if he was just thinking.

All in all, this evening had been a lot and everyone looked exhausted, especially Bridget. But also, everyone was still going at it, brainstorming and trying to find a way to capture my ex boyfriend without putting me or the pack in danger.

"T had Crystal text him back the minute he found out." Bridget spoke.

I was about to say that.

Not because I didn't think Captain Park didn't know already. Tristan had me debrief everyone in this room the minute he had called the meeting.

But I did think she needed a reminder with the way she was talking like he had messed everything up.

"A text doesn't prove anything." Captain Park spoke. "Anyone can send a text message. If I were Roman Desireè, I wouldn't respond either."

"If that's the case then we might as well be on the wrong track as well, don't you think, Captain?" Nia asked.

I had never met Nia before today but she seemed cool. I mean I hadn't really had a conversation with her but she had called out Raphael and that's good in my books.

I looked at Tristan again. Maybe that's why he was in a bad mood.

Was it Raphael?

I mean the things he said...

Or rather was insinuating. Raphael had shown me from the get go that he didn't like me. But here I was trying to help take down Roman, which wasn't easy for me; might I add. And he kept trying to find little reasons to incriminate me for a crime I wasn't guilty of.

I didn't like that Bridget must have been right about one thing.

'The pack's going to start turning against their alpha....'

And it was starting with people in his circle.

Captain Park shot me a look I couldn't quite decipher as if she were wondering how many enenmies I might have.

"It has to be Roman." May spoke. "He gave her the phone case and he's the only one with enough motive to want to spy on her."

"The luna was secretly our alpha's mate and an affiliate of Roman Desireè. I think lots of people would have wanted to spy on her." Rick stated.

I thought about that, if I was a Silvercrest werewolf and I knew of a human raised girl who had just moved into the pack, I would be curious. Which a lot of residents here had been when I first moved here.

Then I find out this girl's boyfriend had been a spy all along? I'd be more than curious, I'd be suspicious.

But wait, we're not done, the aforementioned girl is also the secret luna of the pack but she only becomes the luna right after a terrible attack which she was present for but didn't get hurt.

That would convince me that there's something fishy about this girl.

Hold up. You thought I was through? No ma'am, there's more Van Cliffe wolves might be after her.

That just spells trouble.

Okay, now for the craziest bit and I swear this one is like a really bad plot twist. That spy boyfriend? Remember him? He has been spying on her as well but get this! She ain't got no proof!

The Alpha's FavourUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum